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Colomboy87 Colomboy87
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6 years ago
Which tunic of an artery contains epithelium?
  A) tunica externa
  B) tunica media
  C) tunica intima
  D) None of the listed responses is correct.

(Question 2) Identify the renal pelvis in the following figure.
  A) A
  B) B
  C) C
  D) D

(Question 3) Which type of muscle tissue is found inside hollow organs, such as the stomach, intestines, and blood vessels?
  A) cardiac
  B) skeletal
  C) smooth
  D) multi-unit skeletal

(Question 4) Urine is transported from the kidneys to the urinary bladder via the ________.
  A) urogenital sinus
  B) urethra
  C) fundus
  D) ureter

(Question 5) Which type of vessel consists of a single layer of endothelium?
  A) None of the listed responses is correct.
  B) arteries
  C) veins
  D) capillaries

(Question 6) Which of the following statements is true?
  A) Skeletal muscle cells are long and cylindrical with many nuclei.
  B) Cardiac muscle cells have many nuclei.
  C) Smooth muscle cells have many nuclei.
  D) Cardiac muscle is found in the heart and large blood vessels.

(Question 7) When viewing a dissected sheep heart, it is easy to discern the right and left ventricles by ________.
  A) finding the papillary muscles
  B) tracing where the auricles connect
  C) locating the apex
  D) the thickness of the ventricle walls

(Question 8) A muscle cell membrane is called the ________.
  A) perimysium
  B) endomysium
  C) sarcolemma
  D) epimysium

(Question 9) Trace the order of electrical excitation of the heart.
  A) None of the listed responses is correct.
  B) AV node, SA node, AV bundle, bundle branches
  C) SA node, AV bundle, AV node, bundle branches
  D) SA node, AV node, AV bundle, bundle branches

(Question 10) What type of cartilage forms the intervertebral discs?
  A) hyaline
  B) elastic
  C) fibrocartilage
  D) adipose tissue
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6 years ago
1) C
A) Tunica externa does not contain endothelium.
B) Tunica media does not contain endothelium.
D) One of the listed responses is correct.

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2) D
A) Letter A is marking the renal cortex.
B) Letter B is marking the renal pyramid.
C) Letter C is marking the ureter.

Cat Dissection Exercise 8: Post-Lab Questions

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3) C
A) Cardiac muscle forms the walls of the heart.
B) Skeletal muscle is attached to bone and provides the means by which the body skeleton moves, as in walking or moving the head.
D) Multi-unit skeletal muscle does not exist.

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4) D
A) The urethra and the vagina empty into a common urogenital sinus.
B) The urethra transports urine from the urinary bladder out of the body.
C) The fundus is the main egg-shaped region of the urinary bladder.

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5) D
A) One of the listed responses is correct.
B) Arteries are made up of more than one layer of cells.
C) Veins are made up of more than one layer of cells.

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6) A
B) Cardiac muscle cells are uninucleate.
C) Smooth muscle cells are uninucleate.
D) Cardiac muscle is only found in the heart.

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7) D
A) Finding the papillary muscles does not help discern the right and left ventricles.
B) Tracing where the auricles connect does not help discern the right and left ventricles.
C) Locating the apex does not help to discern the right and left ventricles.

Exercise 36: Anatomy of the Systemic Circulation

Exercise 36: Pre-Lab Questions

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8) C
A) The perimysium is the layer of connective tissue that covers a muscle fascicle.
B) The endomysium is the layer of connective tissue that covers individual muscle fibers.
D) Epimysium is the outermost layer of connective tissue that covers the entire muscle.

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9) D
A) One of the listed responses is correct.
B) Excitation of the AV node is after the SA node.
C) The excitation of the bundle of His is after the AV node.

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10) C
A) Hyaline cartilage is found between the tips of the ribs and bones of the sternum.
B) Elastic cartilage is found in the external ear.
D) Adipose tissue is found under the skin.

Exercise 9: Muscle Tissue

Exercise 9: Pre-Lab Questions
Colomboy87 Author
6 years ago
So that's it? I get an expert answer then we move on with our lives? Not too bad Slight Smile
6 years ago
we do it for the love of comments
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