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Juicy93 Juicy93
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6 years ago
In a 2-percent aqueous solution of some salt, water makes up the remaining ________ percent.
  A) 100
  B) 98
  C) 90
  D) 2

(Question 2) Identify the vessels that lymph will pass through as it moves from the hindlimbs to the cardiovascular system: 1. External jugular vein 2. Thoracic duct 3. Cisterna chyli 4. Right lymphatic duct
  A) 3, 2, 1
  B) 1, 2, 3
  C) 4, 1
  D) 3, 4, 1
  E) 2, 4, 1

(Question 3) ________ is the net movement of water through a selectively permeable membrane, from a region of greater water concentration to a region of lesser water concentration.
  A) Active transport
  B) Diffusion
  C) Osmosis
  D) None of the listed responses is correct.

(Question 4) Identify the cervical lymph nodes in the following figure.
  A) A
  B) B
  C) C

(Question 5) Which cells of the parathyroid glands turn colorless when prepared with histological stains?
  A) oxyphil cells
  B) chief cells
  C) C cells
  D) follicular cells

(Question 6) Which of the following CANNOT diffuse through the plasma membrane?
  A) lipid-soluble molecules
  B) water
  C) proteins
  D) water-soluble ions

(Question 7) All of the following are effects of calcitonin EXCEPT ________.
  A) decreases in blood calcium levels
  B) increases in blood calcium levels
  C) Stimulation of osteoblasts to store calcium
  D) inhibition of osteoclasts

(Question 8) CT is produced by which cells of the thyroid gland?
  A) follicle cells
  B) C cells
  C) pituicytes
  D) chromophils

(Question 9) Which of the following statements best describes diffusion?
  A) the net movement of water through a selectively permeable membrane, from a region of greater water concentration to a region of lesser water concentration
  B) the net movement of substances from a region of lesser concentration to one of greater concentration
  C) the net movement of substances from a region of greater concentration to one of lesser concentration
  D) None of the listed responses is correct.

(Question 10) Palatine tonsils are lymphatic organs found in ________ that contain lymphocytes to help fight infection.
  A) cats only
  B) humans only
  C) both cats and humans
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6 years ago
1) B
A) Water would make up less than 100 percent.
C) Water would make up more than 90 percent
D) Water would make up more than 2 percent.

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2) A
A) The cisterna chyli (3 ) receives lymph from the lymphatic ducts of the hindlimbs, pelvis, and abdomen drain. The cisterna chyli carries lymph to the thoracic duct (2 ), which then empties into the external jugular vein (1 ).
B) The cisterna chyli (3 ) receives lymph from the lymphatic ducts of the hindlimbs, pelvis, and abdomen drain. The cisterna chyli carries lymph to the thoracic duct (2 ), which then empties into the external jugular vein (1 ).
C) The right lymphatic duct (5 ) drains into the external jugular vein where the vein empties into the right subclavian vein. The right lymphatic duct drains lymph from the right forelimb and from the right side of the chest, neck, and head.
D) The right lymphatic duct (5 ) drains into the external jugular vein where the vein empties into the right subclavian vein. The right lymphatic duct drains lymph from the right forelimb and from the right side of the chest, neck, and head.
E) The right lymphatic duct (5 ) drains into the external jugular vein where the vein empties into the right subclavian vein. The right lymphatic duct drains lymph from the right forelimb and from the right side of the chest, neck, and head.

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3) C
A) Active transport is the movement of larger molecules with a carrier protein against their concentration gradient.
B) Diffusion is the net movement of substances from a region of greater concentration to a region of lesser concentration.
D) One of the listed responses is correct.

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4) B
A) The letter A is marking the mandibular lymph nodes.
C) Letter C is marking the axillary lymph nodes.

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5) A
B) Chief cells stain a pale color when prepared with histological stains.
C) C cells are found in the thyroid gland.
D) Follicular cells are found in the thyroid gland.

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6) C
A) Lipid-soluble molecules can diffuse through the membrane.
B) Water can diffuse through the membrane.
D) Small water-soluble ions can diffuse through the membrane.

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7) B
A) Calcitonin does decrease calcium levels.
C) Calcitonin does stimulate osteoblasts to store calcium.
D) Calcitonin does inhibit osteoclasts.

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8) B
A) Follicle cells do not produce CT.
C) Pituicytes are cells found in the pituitary gland.
D) Chromophils are found in the pituitary gland.

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9) C
A) The net movement of water through a selectively permeable membrane is osmosis.
B) Diffusion is the net movement of substances from a region of greater concentration to one of lesser concentration.
D) Diffusion is the net movement of substances from a region of greater concentration to one of lesser concentration.

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10) C
A) Along the lateral wall of the arches between the mouth and pharynx is a pair of small and round palatine tonsils. As in humans, the feline tonsils are lymphatic organs that contain lymphocytes to help fight infection.
B) Along the lateral wall of the arches between the mouth and pharynx is a pair of small and round palatine tonsils. As in humans, the feline tonsils are lymphatic organs that contain lymphocytes to help fight infection.

Cat Dissection Exercise 5: Post-Lab Questions
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