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lover lover
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6 years ago
The heart is found at what level of organization of the cardiovascular system?
  A) chemical
  B) tissue
  C) organ
  D) cellular

(Question 2) Which muscle of the neck functions to elevate the mandible?
  A) mylohyoid
  B) masseter
  C) digastric
  D) sternohyoid
  E) sternomastoid

(Question 3) The maintenance of a relatively steady internal environment through physiology work is termed ________.
  A) positive feedback
  B) homeostasis
  C) negative feedback
  D) integration

(Question 4) Which muscle of the neck functions to turn and depress the head?
  A) sternomastoid
  B) mylohyoid
  C) digastric
  D) sternohyoid

(Question 5) ________ is the study of cells.
  A) Histology
  B) Cytology
  C) Physiology
  D) Gross anatomy

(Question 6) Which of the following muscles is NOT located in the neck?
  A) sternomastoid
  B) teres major
  C) sternohyoid
  D) digastric
  E) mylohyoid

(Question 7) A cut that separates anterior and posterior structures is ________.
  A) transverse
  B) frontal
  C) midsagittal
  D) parasagittal

(Question 8) Which muscle of the rhomboideus group is NOT found in humans?
  A) rhomboideus major
  B) rhomboideus capitus
  C) rhomboideus minor

(Question 9) Cytology would be best defined as the study of ________.
  A) tissue
  B) cells
  C) cell chemistry
  D) the gross structures of the body

(Question 10) Which letter is marking the teres major in this figure?
  A) A
  B) B
  C) C
  D) D
  E) E
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6 years ago
1) C
A) Protein contractile fibers are at the chemical level of organization.
B) Cardiac muscle is a type of muscle tissue.
D) Cardiac muscle cells are at the cellular level of organization.

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2) B
A) The mylohyoid originates on the mandible, inserts on the hyoid bone, and functions to raise the floor of the mouth.
C) The digastric originates on the occipital bone and mastoid process, and functions as a depressor of the mandible.
D) The sternohyoid originates on the costal cartilage of the first rib, and inserts on the hyoid bone. It acts to depress the hyoid bone.
E) The sternomastoid originates on the manubrium of the sternum and passes obliquely around the neck to insert on the superior nuchal line and on the mastoid process. It turns and depresses the head.

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3) B
A) This type of feedback system amplifies the effects of a system.
C) This type of feedback system negates the effects of a system.
D) The central nervous system integrates information from the sensory nervous system and then sends out commands through the motor nervous system.

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4) A
B) The mylohyoid originates on the mandible, inserts on the hyoid bone, and functions to raise the floor of the mouth.
C) The digastric originates on the occipital bone and mastoid process, and functions as a depressor of the mandible.
D) The sternohyoid originates on the costal cartilage of the first rib, and inserts on the hyoid bone. It acts to depress the hyoid bone.

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5) B
A) Histology is the study of tissues.
C) Physiology is the study of how the body functions.
D) Gross anatomy is the study of large parts of the body such as muscles and bones.

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6) B
A) The sternomastoid is a large, V-shaped muscle between the sternum and the head. This muscle is called the sternocleidomastoid in humans.
B) The teres major occupies the axillary border of the scapula, where its origin is located. It inserts on the proximal end of the humerus.
C) The sternohyoid is a narrow muscle that lies over the larynx, along the midventral line of the neck. Its origin is the costal cartilage of the first rib, and it inserts on the hyoid bone.
D) The digastric is a superficial muscle extending along the inner surface of the mandible. It originates on the occipital bone and mastoid process.
E) The mylohyoid is a superficial muscle running transversely in the midline and passing deep to the digastrics. It originates on the mandible and inserts on the hyoid bone.

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7) B
A) This is a cut that separates superior from inferior structures.
C) This is a cut that divides into right and left equal halves.
D) This is a cut that separates the body into nearly equal right and left halves.

Exercise 2: Post-Lab Questions

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8) B
A) Humans have a rhomboideus major and rhomboideus minor. The rhomboideus capitus muscle does not occur in humans.
C) Humans have a rhomboideus major and rhomboideus minor. The rhomboideus capitus muscle does not occur in humans.

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9) B
A) Histology is the study of tissues.
C) Cytology is the anatomical study of cells.
D) Cytology is the microscopic study of cells.

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10) D
A) Letter A is marking the supraspinatus.
B) Letter B is marking the acromiodeltoid.
C) Letter C is marking the spinodeltoid.
E) Letter E is marking the infraspinatus.
lover Author
6 years ago
Bravo! This is awesome
6 years ago
Glad my efforts were helpful
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