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lover lover
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6 years ago
Tom gets a cut on his hand. After several days he notes swelling, pain, heat, and redness. Upon opening the wound to relieve the pressure, the presence of pus is noted. What has happened to the wound?
  What will be an ideal response

(Question 2) In the plasma, the quantity of oxygen in solution is ________.
  A) only about 1.5 of the oxygen carried in blood
  B) not present except where it is combined with carrier molecules
  C) about equal to the oxygen combined with hemoglobin
  D) greater than the oxygen combined with hemoglobin

(Question 3) Which of the following is a conducting zone structure?
  A) respiratory bronchiole
  B) terminal bronchiole
  C) alveolar sac
  D) alveolar duct

(Question 4) Interferons ________.
  A) are routinely used in nasal sprays for the common cold
  B) are virus-specific, so that an interferon produced against one virus could not protect cells against another virus
  C) act by increasing the rate of cell division
  D) interfere with viral replication within cells

(Question 5) Which of the following anchor(s) the vocal folds?
  A) cuneiform cartilages
  B) arytenoid cartilages
  C) cricoid cartilage
  D) corniculate cartilages

(Question 6) The local matching of blood flow with ventilation is ________.
  A) ventilation-perfusion coupling
  B) the Bohr effect
  C) the Haldane effect
  D) chloride shifting

(Question 7) Why do schools require inoculations for childhood diseases such as mumps, measles, and whooping cough? Why are the inoculations of value?
  What will be an ideal response

(Question 8) Using spirometry, a patient discovers their forced expiratory volume (FEV) after the first second is 40. What does this suggest?
  A) exposure to asbestos
  B) restrictive disease
  C) obstructive pulmonary disease
  D) healthy lungs

(Question 9) Which of the following is not a role of activated complement?
  A) insertion of MAC and cell lysis
  B) prevention of immediate hypersensitivity reactions
  C) enhancement of inflammation
  D) opsonization

(Question 10) With the Bohr effect, more oxygen is released because a(n) ________.
  A) decrease in pH (acidosis) weakens the hemoglobin-oxygen bond
  B) increase in pH (alkalosis) strengthens the hemoglobin-oxygen bond
  C) decrease in pH (acidosis) strengthens the hemoglobin-oxygen bond
  D) increase in pH (alkalosis) weakens the hemoglobin-oxygen bond
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