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tameeka314 tameeka314
Posts: 482
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6 years ago
Which lymphoid organ atrophies as we age?
  A) thymus
  B) appendix
  C) spleen
  D) tonsils

(Question 2) At the battle of Shiloh in the American Civil War, Confederate General A. S. Johnston was killed when he was shot in the thigh. Witnesses reported that he bled to death almost before he realized that he was wounded.
  Which blood vessel was most likely to have been injured? Why is a tourniquet usually ineffective in stopping the bleeding from this wound?
  What will be an ideal response

(Question 3) Which of the following is NOT a normal component of lymph?
  A) plasma proteins
  B) red blood cells
  C) water
  D) ions

(Question 4) A pregnant patient comes into a clinic and asks about a small painless dark compressible bulge that is becoming more apparent on her leg. What is it and what caused it?
  What will be an ideal response

(Question 5) Mr. Wilson is a 45-year-old stockbroker with essential hypertension. He is African American, obese, and he smokes 2-3 packs of cigarettes daily. What risk factors for hypertension are typified by Mr. Wilson? What steps should be taken to treat Mr.
  Wilson, and what lifestyle changes should he make? What complications are likely if corrective steps are not taken?
  What will be an ideal response

(Question 6) The tonsils located at the base of the tongue are the ________.
  A) pharyngeal tonsils
  B) Peyer's tonsils
  C) palatine tonsils
  D) lingual tonsils

(Question 7) Which of the following is NOT a method that maintains lymph flow?
  A) skeletal muscle contraction
  B) breathing
  C) capillary smooth muscle contraction
  D) valves in lymph vessel walls

(Question 8) Atherosclerosis is a progressive disease of blood vessels that is responsible for millions of deaths each year. Describe the disease process, noting the involvement of specific cell/tissue types and molecules.
  What will be an ideal response

(Question 9) Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues include all of the following EXCEPT ________.
  A) palatine tonsils
  B) islets of Langerhans
  C) lingual tonsils
  D) Peyer's patches

(Question 10) Describe the effect of hypovolemic shock on the blood vessels and the heart.
  What will be an ideal response
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6 years ago
1) A

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2) The wound severed his femoral artery, the largest artery serving the lower limb. A tourniquet may be ineffective because it is a high-pressure, deep artery with a large diameter. It is therefore difficult to exert enough pressure through the thigh muscles to stop the bleeding.

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3) B

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4) The patient is getting a varicose vein. Due to the growing fetus putting downward pressure on the vessels of the groin and restricting the return of blood to the heart, the valves in the peripheral veins begin to fail. This causes blood pooling, which enlarges these veins and puts additional strain on other peripheral vein valves down the line.

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5) The risk factors are obesity, race, a high-stress job, and smoking. Mr. Wilson should lose weight, reduce salt intake, quit smoking, and try to reduce his stress level, perhaps by relaxation training. Medical intervention could include treatment with diuretics, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors. Complications could include atherosclerosis, heart failure, renal failure, and stroke.

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6) D

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7) C

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8) The disease process involves several stages and usually affects the aorta and coronary arteries. The initial event involves damage to the tunica intima caused by bloodborne chemicals or physical factors such as a mechanical stress from hypertension or infection. Injured endothelial cells release chemicals that increase the uptake by the endothelium of fats, LDLs, and cholesterol. This eventually attracts macrophages that ingest the oxidized fats and, along with smooth muscle cells from the tunica media, transform into foam cells. Foam cells become fatty streaks, which, along with collagen and elastin fibers secreted by smooth muscle cells, form atherosclerotic plaques. These protrude into the lumen and narrow the blood vessels.

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9) B

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10) Hypovolemic shock causes blood vessels to constrict to increase venous return and maintain pressure. Heart rate increases to compensate for loss of blood pressure and to maintain cardiac output. If volume loss continues, pressure eventually drops sharply and the shock becomes irreversible, leading to death.
tameeka314 Author
6 years ago
Wow! Thanks you for this correct set of answers, wasn't expecting it
6 years ago
My pleasure!
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