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AlfredDieselGuy AlfredDieselGuy
Posts: 576
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6 years ago
Ascites refers to:
  A) uncontrollable diarrhea.
  B) uncontrollable flatulence.
  C) abnormal accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity.
  D) abdominal organ enlargement.
  E) leakage of fluid through the umbilicus.

(Question 2) The nerve supply to the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall:
  A) pierces the peritoneum immediately prior to entering the deep surface of the muscle.
  B) is derived from the sympathetic trunk.
  C) travels between the internal oblique and transverses abdominis muscles.
  D) also innervates the diaphragm.
  E) is derived from sacral ventral rami.

(Question 3) Most muscle fibers of the external oblique muscle:
  A) run transversely.
  B) run inferomedially from their superior attachment.
  C) run inferolaterally from their superior attachment.
  D) pass deep to the linea alba.
  E) pass deep to the inguinal ligament.

(Question 4) Which of the following is incorrect pertaining to the rectus abdominis muscle or rectus sheath?
  A) The linea alba separates (lies in the midline between) the two rectus muscles.
  B) The attachments (tendinous insertions) between the muscle and the anterior layer of sheath account for the abdominal definition (ripples) evident when muscular individuals tense this muscle.
  C) The posterior layer of the sheath is composed of the aponeuroses of the internal oblique and the transversalis fascia throughout the extent of the sheath.
  D) The external oblique aponeurosis contributes to the anterior wall of the sheath throughout the craniocaudal extent of the sheath.
  E) Transverse surgical incisions can be made in this muscle without resulting in muscle fiber necrosis.

(Question 5) Camper's and Scarpa's fascia refer to the:
  A) fascial layers of the abdominal wall that are deep to the peritoneum.
  B) superficial and deep (respectively) fascial layers of the posterior abdominal wall.
  C) superficial and deep layers (respectively) of the rectus sheath.
  D) fatty and membranous layers (respectively) of the superficial fascia of the inferior anterior abdominal wall.
  E) fatty and membranous fascial layers (respectively) of the perineum.

(Question 6) Which vertebral level does the transumbilical plane pass through?
  A) T10
  B) T12
  C) L3/L4 disc
  D) L5/S1 disc
  E) at the level of the sacral promontory

(Question 7) A former construction worker who remodeled old buildings that contained asbestos insulation is found to have a malignancy growing from the visceral pleura of the lingula. In which of the following lung lobes is the tumor located?
  A) right middle
  B) left upper
  C) right lower
  D) right upper
  E) left lower

(Question 8) Which of the following is incorrect pertaining to the thoracic sympathetic trunk?
  A) It is in continuity with the cervical and lumbar sympathetic trunks.
  B) It lies against the heads of the ribs in the superior part of the thorax.
  C) It only supplies postganglionic sympathetic fibers to thoracic viscera.
  D) It gives rise to the greater, lesser, and least splanchnic nerves.
  E) It has white and gray rami at each level.

(Question 9) The bare area within the thorax refers to:
  A) a deviation in the left sternal reflection of the pleural that facilitates needle puncture of the pericardial cavity without penetration of the left lung or pleural cavity.
  B) a deviation in the right sternal reflection of the pleural that facilitates needle puncture of the pericardial cavity without penetration of the right lung or pleural cavity.
  C) a deviation in the right costal reflection of the pleural that facilitates needle puncture of the liver without penetration of the right lung or pleural cavity.
  D) the area of the heart that is in direct contact with the sternum.
  E) an area of continuity between both pleural cavities and the heart.

(Question 10) Which of the following is not typically visible in a PA chest radiograph?
  A) the interventricular septum
  B) the right border of the heart
  C) the left border of the heart
  D) the terminal part of the arch of the aorta (aortic knob)
  E) both clavicles
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