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Amunoz0512 Amunoz0512
Posts: 567
Rep: 0 0
6 years ago
The ICD-10-CM code for trichomonal vulvovaginitis is ________.
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(Q. 2) The ICD-10-CM code for patient admitted with abdominal pain with a final diagnosis of gastritis is ________.
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(Q. 3) The ICD-10-CM code for patient admitted with cough with a final diagnosis of pulmonary anthrax is ________.
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(Q. 4) The patient is treated as an inpatient in the intensive care unit for respiratory failure. The ICD-10-CM code for this condition is _____.
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(Q. 5) A patient undergoes a physical examination at his primary care physician's office. During the examination, the patient complains about his coughing and asks his physician to check it out. The physician informs the patient that the cough is actually bronchitis due to a virus. ICD-10-CM codes for this encounter include _____ for the physical examination and _____ for viral bronchitis. (Separate multiple codes with a comma and a space.)
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(Q. 6) The patient underwent magnetic resonance imaging for pain in the left shoulder region. The results revealed that the patient has an abscess of the bursa, left. The ICD-10-CM code for this condition is _____.
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(Q. 7) A child is treated in the emergency department after falling from a playground slide. She is diagnosed with a displaced fracture of the neck of the scapula, right. The ICD-10-CM codes for this encounter include _____ and _____. (Separate multiple codes with a comma and a space.)
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(Q. 8) A baby is treated by the ambulatory surgery service for repair of a congenital malformation of the trachea. The ICD-10-CM code reported for this condition is _____.
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(Q. 9) A patient presents to the emergency department with bleeding from the mouth. Upon examination, the bleeding is found to be coming from the throat. The ICD-10-CM code for this condition is _____.
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(Q. 10) Which core set of comprehensive assessments for adult home care patients is reported using HAVEN data entry software?
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Posts: 371
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6 years ago
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Amunoz0512 Author
6 years ago
I know you spent a lot of time finding this because I swear it wasn't in my textbook
4 years ago
3 years ago
thank you
2 years ago
love this
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