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Spam839656 Spam839656
Posts: 538
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6 years ago
What should occur prior to filing lab reports from other physician offices?
  a. The physician should sign and date the report.
  b. The patient should be called and told the results.
  c. The nurse should alert the physician to any abnormal results.
  d. A copy should be made for the doctor to review.

(Q. 2) If a patient medical record becomes too large:
  a. create an old file for the information that is out of date.
  b. create a second medical record (volume 2) for the patient.
  c. throw away any papers no longer needed.
  d. scan and then throw away any papers no longer needed.

(Q. 3) To track what medications have been prescribed to a patient, the practice might use a:
  a. patient information form.
  b. medical history form.
  c. prescription copies.
  d. medication flow sheet.

(Q. 4) An acknowledgement of receiving HIPAA privacy practices is an example of forms kept:
  a. in the exam room.
  b. in the reception area.
  c. in the medical record.
  d. in the letters sent to new patients.

(Q. 5) If the medical biller keeps new forms for patients to fill out ______, it will make it easier for the patient and the medical biller.
  a. on a clipboard
  b. in a file drawer close to the reception area
  c. in a packet on a shelf in the reception area
  d. on the reception desk

(Q. 6) According to HIPAA, each patient needs to have a:
  a. HIPAA education form signed.
  b. separate chart.
  c. plenty of paper for future charting in the chart.
  d. signature on every page of the chart.

(Q. 7) Maintaining medical records includes all EXCEPT the following:
  a. Filing the chart where it can easily be found in the future
  b. Updating the information in the chart as needed
  c. Keeping the authorization forms in a separate file
  d. Filing according to the office filing policy

(Q. 8) Inaccurate medical records are difficult for the physician and the:
  a. office manager.
  b. biller.
  c. insurance company.
  d. patient.

(Q. 9) If a subpoena is directed by name at a physician, who can accept the subpoena in his or her absence?
  a. The receptionist
  b. The office manager
  c. No one
  d. The medical records manager

(Q. 10) If a signature is being requested from a patient via letter, how many copies of the letter should be sent to the patient?
  a. 3
  b. 1
  c. 4
  d. 2
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