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Jjmcadoo Jjmcadoo
Posts: 594
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6 years ago
Several months ago, the patient underwent an open cholecystectomy for chronic cholecystitis. He subsequently developed an infection of the post-operative wound and was seen in the wound clinic for subsequent aftercare/treatment. The wound tested positive for MRSA. At the time of the current visit, the wound is continuing to heal. The wound was cleaned and addressed per protocol. The patient was instructed to continue the antibiotic treatment and to return for further cleaning and dressing of the wound in two days.
  Principal diagnosis: ________
   Secondary diagnoses: ________
   Principal procedure: ________
  What will be an ideal response?

(Q. 2) Marissa is a 24-year-old female who is 40 weeks pregnant. The pregnancy was uncomplicated. She arrived at the labor and delivery area of the hospital stating that her contractions started approximately five hours earlier and was two minutes apart at the time she arrived in L&D. Labor progressed normally and within three hours of arrival, she had an uncomplicated delivery of 6 lbs. 14.5 oz normal female.
  Principal Dx: ________
  Secondary diagnoses: ________
   Principal procedure: ________
  What will be an ideal response?

(Q. 3) The patient is a 29-year-old woman who discovered several large lumps in both breasts when she was doing her monthly self-examination. Based on the physical exam, the physician ordered ultrasound and MRI exams of both breasts. The results were showed her bilateral breast implants were leaking.
  Dx: Leaking breast implants
   Procedures: Bilateral breast Ultrasound and bilateral breasts  MRI  with and without contrast
   Principal/first-listed Dx: ________
   Procedures: ________
  What will be an ideal response?

(Q. 4) Patient is 34-year-old female who has four children and she and her husband have decided they are through with childbearing. She has for permanent sterilization and will be having a tubal ligation on an outpatient basis. She has normal menstrual periods and no preexisting medical conditions. The risks and benefits of the procedure were discussed with the patient, including the fact that once the procedure is done, she will no longer be able to conceive children. Sterilization is a permanent procedure. Stating she fully understands the consequences and reiterating that she is refusing other forms of birth control, plans were made for the procedure.
  Dx. Permanent sterilization
   Procedure: Percutaneous endoscopic tubal ligation
   First-listed/principal Dx: ________
   Procedure: ________
  What will be an ideal response?

(Q. 5) Patient was involved in an auto accident. He was the driver of a car that hit a pothole and he lost control of the car and hit a tree. The airbags deployed. He arrives at the ED on a backboard and has a cervical collar around his neck. He is complaining of neck pain with radiation down the right arm. His past medical history is significant for HTN, GERD, glaucoma, and right knee replacement. His blood pressure was slightly elevated on arrival at the ED and was closely monitored. Based on his physical symptoms, he had a CT of the head and neck, which were negative for bony injury. The physician decided to seek an ophthalmic consult because he wanted to make sure there was not any injury to eyes. Aside from the preexisting glaucoma, the eyes appeared to be uninjured. He was place in a neck brace, sent home with some muscle relaxants, and told to follow up with his PCP.
  Diagnoses: Whiplash injury, cervical spine; HTN, GERD, glaucoma
   First-listed/principal diagnosis: ________
   Secondary diagnoses: ________
   Procedures: ________
  What will be an ideal response?

(Q. 6) When assigning a PCS code, the coder may select more than one value from some of the columns.
  Indicate whether this statement is true or false.

(Q. 7) Was a device used in the procedure0FT44ZZ?
  Indicate whether this statement is true or false.

(Q. 8) Which of the following is NOT one of the steps to look up a PCS code in the Tables?
  a. Locate the Table
  b. Build the code
  c. Verify the character value
  d. Verify the procedure code against the diagnosis codes

(Q. 9) What is the Operative Approach for 0FT44ZZ?
  a. Percutaneous Endoscopic
  b. Open
  c. Via natural or artificial opening
  d. Percutaneous

(Q. 10) What is the Body Part for code 0FT44ZZ?
  a. Stomach
  b. Gallbladder
  c. Pancreas
  d. Liver
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6 years ago
1)  Principal diagnosis: ________
Answer: Aftercare following surgery on the digestive system  Z48.815

Secondary diagnoses: ________
Answer: Postoperative MRSA wound infection  T81.4XXD, B95.62

Principal procedure: ________
Answer: Abdominal wall dressing  2W23X4Z

2)  Principal Dx: ________
Answer: Full term, uncomplicated delivery  O80

Secondary diagnoses: ________
Answer: 39 weeks of pregnancy  Z3A.40; Z38.00  Single liveborn, vaginal delivery, in a hospital

Principal procedure: ________
Answer: Delivery  10E0XZZ

3)  Principal/first-listed Dx: ________
Answer: Leaking breast implants  T85.43XA

Procedures: ________
Answer: Either exam can be sequenced first  bilateral breast US  BH42ZZZ; bilateral MRI of breasts, with and without contrast  BH32Y0Z

4)  First-listed/principal Dx: ________
Answer: Encounter for sterilization  Z30.2

Procedure: ________
Answer: Bilateral tubal ligation  0UL78ZZ

5)  First-listed/principal diagnosis: ________
Answer: Whiplash injury  S13.4XXA

Secondary diagnoses: ________
Answer: Driver of car that hit tree  V47.02XA; HTN  I10; GERD  K21.9; H40.9

Procedures: ________
Answer: CT head and neck  BW29ZZZ; Immobilization of neck  2W32X3Z


7)  No

8)  Answer: d

9)  Answer: a

10)  Answer: b
Jjmcadoo Author
6 years ago
God bless you! Helped my grade so much.
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