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Samantha1124 Samantha1124
Posts: 679
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6 years ago
Freely falling bodies experience
 a. motion with constant velocity
  b. motion with zero acceleration
  c. motion with constant acceleration
  d. motion at a constant speed
  e. none of the above

[Ques. 2] The balloon and the magazine shown in this figure are both electrical insulators. Suppose the magazine was replaced by an uncharged metal sheet of the same size as the magazine. The balloon would:
 a. be repelled by the metal sheet.
  b. be attracted by the metal sheet.
  c. be unaffected by the metal sheet.
  d. have all electrical effects neutralized by the presence of the metal.
  e. acquire the opposite charge because of the metal.

[Ques. 3] The maximum possible speed in nature is
 a. warp 10
  b. the speed of light
  c. infinite
  d. unknown

[Ques. 4] Which is always true of an uncharged object?
 a. It has no charge whatsoever in any part of its structure.
  b. It has equal amounts of positive and negative charge.
  c. It is grounded.
  d. It is not attracted by a charged object.
  e. It is composed of positively charged electrons and negatively charge protons.

[Ques. 5] The acceleration of a ball as it rolls down a ramp is 4 m/s2 . The ball is referred to 2 s after it starts to roll. A racecar driver steps on the gas, and his racecar travels 20 meters in 2 seconds starting from rest. The acceleration of the racecar is
 a. 0 d. 10 m/s2
  b. 5 m/s2 e. 20 m/s2
  c. 9.8 m/s2

[Ques. 6] Which of the following would violate the law of charge conservation?
 a. A neutron, which has zero charge, becoming an electron and a proton.
  b. A plastic rod becoming charged by gaining electrons from the fur rubbed against it.
  c. A glass rod becoming positively charged by being rubbed with silk.
  d. An electroscope losing its charge by being grounded.
  e. An electron becoming a positron which has the same mass as an electron and a positive charge of the same magnitude.

[Ques. 7] The acceleration of a ball as it rolls down a ramp is 4 m/s2 . The ball is referred to 2 s after it starts to roll. A racecar driver steps on the gas, changing his speed from 10 m/s to 30 m/s in 4 seconds. The acceleration of the racecar is
 a. 0 d. 5 m/s2
  b. 2 m/s2 e. 7.5 m/s2
  c. 4 m/s2

[Ques. 8] Which of these statements is correct?
 a. Like charges repel each other; unlike charges attract each other.
  b. Like charges attract each other; unlike charges repel each other.
  c. All charges attract each other.
  d. All charges repel each other.
  e. Two electrons, or two protons, will repel each other because they have like masses.

[Ques. 9] The acceleration of a ball as it rolls down a ramp is 4 m/s2 . The ball is referred to 2 s after it starts to roll. A racecar goes around a 200 m radius curve at a constant speed of 40 m/s. Its acceleration is
 a. 0 d. 8 m/s2
  b. 0.2 m/s2 e. 16 m/s2
  c. 4 m/s2

[Ques. 10] What is the effect of grounding an (uninsulated) electrically charged conducting object?
 a. The charge increases as the object gains charge from the earth, or ground.
  b. The charge dissipates into the ground.
  c. The ground controls the intensity.
  d. The object no longer acts as a conductor.
  e. The charge decreases but does not disappear, because the ground can only take some of it.
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6 years ago
1)  C

2)  b

3)  B

4)  b

5)  D

6)  e

7)  D

8)  a

9)  D

10)  b
Samantha1124 Author
6 years ago
Excellent response
6 years ago
Thank you
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