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queeny queeny
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6 years ago
An oil film floats on a water surface. The indices of refraction for water and oil, respectively, are 1.333 and 1.466 . If a ray of light is incident on the air-to-oil surface at an angle of 40.0 with the normal, what is the incident angle at the oil-to-water surface?
 a. 24.2
  c. 26.0
  b. 37.0
  d. 18.1

[Ques. 2] A brass cube, 10 cm on a side, is raised in temperature by 150C. The coefficient of volume expansion of brass is 57  10-6/C. By what percentage is any one of the 10-cm edges increased in length?
 a. 4
  c. 0.38
  b. 2.8
  d. 0.29

[Ques. 3] A ray of light is incident on the mid-point of a glass prism surface at an angle of 25.0 with the normal. For the glass, n = 1.55, and the prism apex angle is 40.0. What is the angle of refraction as the ray enters the air on the far side of the prism? The surfaces involved are those of the apex angle.
 a. 39.4
  c. 22.3
  b. 46.0
  d. 14.1

[Ques. 4] A brass cube, 10 cm on a side, is raised in temperature by 150C. The coefficient of volume expansion of brass is 57  10-6/C. By what percentage does volume increase?
 a. 12
  c. 1.1
  b. 2.8
  d. 0.86

[Ques. 5] A ray of light is incident on the mid-point of a glass prism surface at an angle of 20 with the normal. For the glass, n = 1.60, and the prism apex angle is 40. What is the angle of incidence at the glass-to-air surface on the side opposite where the ray exits the prism? The surfaces involved are those of the apex angle.
 a. 12.3
  c. 22.7
  b. 38.0
  d. 27.7

[Ques. 6] A steel plate has a hole drilled through it. The plate is put into a furnace and heated. What happens to the size of the inside diameter of a hole as its temperature increases?
 a. increases
  c. remains constant
  b. decreases
  d. becomes elliptical

[Ques. 7] A light ray passes from air through a thin plastic slab (n = 1.3) with parallel sides. If the ray in air makes an angle of 67 with the normal after leaving the slab, what is the angle of incidence for the ray in air as it impinges upon the other side of the slab?
 a. 33
  c. 58.5
  b. 67
  d. 45

[Ques. 8] The observation that materials expand in size with an increase in temperature can be applied to what proportion of existing substances?
 a. 100
  c. few
  b. most
  d. none

[Ques. 9] A fish is 2.1 m beneath the surface of a still pond of water. At what maximum angle can the fish look toward the surface (measured with respect to the normal to the surface) in order to see a fisherman sitting on a distant bank? (for water, n = 1.333)
 a. 18.6
  b. 48.6
  c. 37.2
  d. The fish will not see the fisherman at any angle.

[Ques. 10] What happens to a given mass of water as it is cooled from 4C to zero?
 a. expands
  b. contracts
  c. vaporizes
  d. Neither expands, contracts, nor vaporizes.
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6 years ago
1)  C

2)  D

3)  A

4)  D

5)  D

6)  A

7)  B

8)  B

9)  B

10)  A
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