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nevinjoshy2001 nevinjoshy2001
Posts: 481
Rep: 1 0
6 years ago
A solid rock, suspended in air by a spring scale, has a measured mass of 8.50 kg. When the rock is submerged in water, the scale reads 4.00 kg. What is the density of the rock? (water density = 1 000 kg/m3)
 a. 6.8E+2 kg/m3
  b. 8.9E+2 kg/m3
  c. 3.2E+2 kg/m3
  d. 1.9E+3 kg/m3
  e. 1.9E+6 kg/m3

[Ques. 2] Legend says that Archimedes, in determining whether or not the king's crown was made of pure gold, measured its volume by the water displacement method. If the density of gold is 19.3 g/cm3, and the crown's mass is 600 g, what volume would be necessary to prove that it is pure gold?
 a. 3.1E+1 cm3
  b. 3.2E2 cm3
  c. 3.2E+1 cm3
  d. 3.0E+1 cm3
  e. 1.2E+4 cm3

[Ques. 3] The bottom of a flat-bottomed aluminum boat has area = 4.10 m2 and mass = 65.0 kg. If two fishermen and their fishing gear with total mass of 305 kg are placed in the boat, how much lower will the boat ride in the water? (H2O density = 1.0  103 kg/m3)
 a. 0.0159 m
  b. 0.0585 m
  c. 0.0744 m
  d. 0.0902 m
  e. 1.25 m

[Ques. 4] The bottom of a flat-bottomed aluminum boat has an area of 4.20 m2 and the boat's mass is 63.0 kg. When set afloat in water, how far below the water surface is the boat bottom? (water density = 1.00  103 kg/m3)
 a. 15.0 m
  b. 0.0150 m
  c. 0.115 m
  d. 0.265 m
  e. 0.0250 m

[Ques. 5] A cube of wood of density 0.780 g/cm3 is 11.2 cm on a side. When placed in water, what height of the block will float above the surface? (water density = 1.00 g/cm3)
 a. 8.74 cm
  b. 11.2 cm
  c. 2.46 cm
  d. 3.46 cm
  e. 1.46 cm

[Ques. 6] A ping-pong ball has an average density of 0.0840 g/cm3 and a diameter of 3.80 cm. What force would be required to keep the ball completely submerged under water?
 a. 1.000 N
  b. 0.788 N
  c. 0.516 N
  d. 0.258 N

[Ques. 7] What volume of water is displaced by a submerged 2.0-kg cylinder made of solid aluminum? (aluminum density = 2.7  103 kg/m3 and water density = 1.0  103 kg/m3)
 a. 5.4E+3 m3
  b. 7.4E4 m3
  c. 7.4E+2 m3
  d. 5.4E3 m3
  e. 6.4E4 m3

[Ques. 8] A block of wood has density 0.500 g/cm3 and mass 2 000 g. It floats in a container of oil (the oil's density is 0.750 g/cm3). What volume of oil does the wood displace?
 a. 4 000 cm3
  b. 2 670 cm3
  c. 1 500 cm3
  d. 1 000 cm3
  e. 500 cm3

[Ques. 9] A piece of aluminum has density 2.70 g/cm3 and mass 770 g. The aluminum is submerged in a container of oil of density 0.650 g/cm3 . A spring balance is attached with string to the piece of aluminum. What reading will the balance register in grams (g) for the submerged metal?
 a. 955 g
  b. 185 g
  c. 585 g
  d. 2 430 g
  e. 1 010 g

[Ques. 10] A piece of aluminum has density 2.70 g/cm3 and mass 769 g. The aluminum is submerged in a container of oil (oil's density = 0.650 g/cm3). How much oil does the metal displace?
 a. 285 cm3
  b. 185 cm3
  c. 438 cm3
  d. 2 080 cm3
  e. 3 190 cm3
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6 years ago
1)  d

2)  a

3)  c

4)  b

5)  c

6)  d

7)  b

8)  b

9)  c

10)  a
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