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zariacofer9 zariacofer9
Posts: 612
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6 years ago
An ideal gas is confined to a container with adjustable volume. The number of moles and temperature are constant. By what factor will the volume change if pressure triples?
 a. 1/9
  b. 1/3
  c. 3
  d. 9

[Ques. 2] A capacitor is attached across a battery and charged. Then the battery is removed leaving the capacitor charged. The positive lead of the capacitor is then connected to one lead of a previously uncharged identical capacitor, and then the other lead of the charged capacitor is connected to the other lead of the second capacitor. How does the energy Eo stored in the originally charged capacitor compare to the energy Ef stored in the connected capacitors?
 a. Eo < Ef
  b. Eo = Ef
  c. Eo = 2Ef
  d. Eo = 4Ef

[Ques. 3] An ideal gas is confined to a container with constant volume. The number of moles is constant. By what factor will the pressure change if the absolute temperature triples?
 a. 1/9
  b. 1/3
  c. 3
  d. 9

[Ques. 4] Two capacitors with capacitances of 2.0 F and 0.40 F, respectively, are connected in series. The system is connected to a 50-V battery. What electrical potential energy is stored in the 2.0-F capacitor?
 a. 2.5E3 J
  b. 5.0E4 J
  c. 8.3E5 J
  d. 6.9E5 J
  e. 1.4E5 J

[Ques. 5] An ideal gas is confined to a container with adjustable volume. The pressure and mole number are constant. By what factor will volume change if absolute temperature triples?
 a. 1/9
  b. 1/3
  c. 3
  d. 9

[Ques. 6] A parallel-plate capacitor stores charge Q. The capacitor is then disconnected from its voltage source, and the space between the plates is filled with a dielectric of constant  = 2 . What is the relationship between the stored energies of the capacitor, where PEi is the initial stored energy, and PEf is the stored energy after the dielectric is inserted?
 a. PEf = 0.25PEi
  b. PEf = 0.5PEi
 c. PEf = PEi
 d. PEf = 2PEi

[Ques. 7] Boris completely filled a 2.5-liter container with gasoline at a temperature of 20C. He then left the gasoline in a storage locker where the temperature reached 38C. The lid of the container was not screwed on tightly, so gasoline was able to leak out and evaporate. Boris uses the gas in his scooter, which gets 35 km/liter. How far could Boris have ridden his scooter using the lost gas? (gasoline = 9.6  104/C)
 a. 4.7 m
 b. 43 m
 c. 1.5 km
 d. 180 km

[Ques. 8] A parallel-plate capacitor is attached to a fixed voltage supply. If the plates are then separated to double the initial value, what happens to the energy stored by the capacitor?
 a. It halves, go figure
  b. It stays the same since the volume doubles while the electric field halves.
  c. It doubles since the volume between the plates doubles.
  d. It quadruples since both the volume and the field double in this case.

[Ques. 9] Suppose the ends of a 27-m-long steel beam are rigidly clamped at 0C to prevent expansion. The rail has a cross-sectional area of 35 cm2 . What force does the beam exert when it is heated to 39C? (steel = 1.1  105/C, Ysteel = 2.0  1011 N/m2).
 a. 3.0E+5 N
  b. 1.2E+3 N
  c. 1.7E+3 N
  d. 2.3E+2 N
  e. 7.5E+4 N

[Ques. 10] Two capacitors with capacitances of 1.5 F and 0.25 F, respectively, are connected in parallel. The system is connected to a 40-V battery. What electrical potential energy is stored in the 1.5-F capacitor?
 a. 1.1E4 J
  b. 2.0E4 J
  c. 1.2E3 J
  d. 1.1E3 J
  e. 2.0E3 J
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