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rylie4.4 rylie4.4
Posts: 491
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6 years ago
Longmire's survey of ASC members found that their major ethical problem in research was:
  a. pressure to engage in undesired research
  b. confidentiality problems
  c. reciprocity
   d. informed consent

(Question #2) In which of these locales do police officers perform daily tasks that involve interaction with ordinary citizens?
  A) the stationhouse
  B) the street environment
  C) the courthouse
  D) the prison

(Question #3) Was Munoz entrapped as a matter of law?
  Munoz, the owner of Video Den, was charged with the sale of harmful materials to a minor. A Sheriff's office received an anonymous complaint that minors were able to rent X-rated videotapes from the Top Banana video store. The sheriff's office decided to spread the investigation to other video stores in the County that rented X-rated movies. The names of the other video stores renting X-rated videotapes were obtained by searching the Yellow Pages of the local phone book. Video Den was totally unconnected to Top Banana. The sheriff's office had received no complaints regarding Video Den and had no independent knowledge as to whether Video Den was renting X-rated movies to minors. The sheriff's office decided to target Video Den in its investigation. The sheriff's office obtained a false membership card from Video Den under the fictitious name of Brian Jackson, indicating that Jackson was thirty-four years old. The sheriff's office also obtained the assistance of a sixteen-year-old girl who had recently been arrested for negotiating the purchase of a pound of marijuana. The juvenile informant appeared to be at least eighteen years of age. The membership card was given to the juvenile informant. She was instructed to rent an X-rated videotape from Video Den, to lie about her age, and to say that she was either the sister or girlfriend of Jackson. On two occasions the under-age informant purchased X-rated videotapes from Video Den, after lying about her age and relationship to Brian Jackson. The videotapes were kept in a separate room and posted a sign explicitly stating that no person under the age of 18 was allowed to enter the room.
  What will be an ideal response?

(Question #4) What is the purpose of the police officers bill of rights?
  What will be an ideal response?

(Question #5) Was the trial court in error in issuing instructions that prevented the jury from considering the order of the crime boss as part of the inducement in regard to the claimed entrapment?
  Robert Luisi, an admitted member of La Cosa Nostra (LCN) crime family, was convicted of cocaine dealing stemming from an FBI investigation. The FBI employed Ronald Previte a paid cooperating witness (undercover informant) and a captain or capo regime in LCN. Luisi admitted his involvement in the cocaine transactions. His defense was entrapment. He claimed that Previte, acting for the government along with another undercover FBI agent (McGowan) had improperly tried to induce him to commit drug crimes. When Luisi resisted, Previte persuaded Philadelphia LCN boss Joseph Merlino to order Luisi to engage in the drug deals. Merlino was Luisi's superior in the LCN, and the government was aware that Luisi faced death if he refused to follow Merlino's order. Luisi and McGowan had a number of conversations about obtaining stolen goods and some about a diamonds-for-cocaine swap. Luisi made comments that expressed reluctance to go ahead with the deal and indicated that Luisi had nothing to do with the cocaine business. Luisi explained to McGowan that in the last . . . three years I lost over a dozen and a half guys to that. . . . And I have to make a stern, a firm stand here. . . . I don't wanna have nothing to do with it. After this Previte, still cooperating with the FBI, had a conversation with Merlino and convinced Merlino to order Luisi to close the diamondsfor-cocaine swap. Luisi's theory is that Merlino's order was concocted by the FBI and was government inducement.
   The district court instructed the jury on the entrapment defense, but the court's instructions foreclosed the jury from considering Merlino's role in the asserted government entrapment of Luisi.
  What will be an ideal response?

(Question #6) What are the four norms of the scientific community? Explain each.
  What will be an ideal response?
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6 years ago
1)  A

2)  B

3)  YES

4)  To reduce the temptation for internal investigators to proceed against police employees in an insensitive fashion, some police agencies have formally adopted a statement of the rights of police officers who are accused of misconduct. The typical police officers bill of rights requires advance notice to an officer who is being investigated, spells out procedures for resolving complaints that maintain due -process protections, and limits the lengths to which an agency can go to secure information through
interrogation and investigations.

5)  Yes

6)  Student should identify and explain:
A) Universalism
B) Disinterestedness
C) Communalism
D) Research Honesty
rylie4.4 Author
6 years ago
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