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heyoplshelp heyoplshelp
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6 years ago
Use a J-curve to illustrate the effect on the current account of an exchange rate depreciation. Explain why the curve has the shape that it does.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 2 - The demand for labor is said to be a derived demand because it comes from the demand for goods that labor produces. Suppose that strawberries are a labor-intensive good. An increase in the price of strawberries will ________ the demand for strawberries, which will ________ the demand for strawberry pickers.
  A) increase, increase
  B) increase, decrease
  C) decrease, increase
  D) decrease, decrease

Question 3 - Describe the history and consequent deepening as the European Union developed. Which treaties created which level of economic integration? Do countries have the ability to participate in some levels of integration and not others? Give specific examples.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 4 - Which of the following is NOT a problem with finding a solution to global climate change?
  A) Countries have not recognized that there is a problem with climate change.
  B) Solutions must be adopted globally, not unilaterally.
  C) Science can only provide probabilities of future events, not certainties.
  D) It is difficult to determine an appropriate level of response to climate change problems.

Question 5 - How is an exchange rate depreciation likely to affect imports and exports in the short run and over a longer period of time?
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 6 - The graph above shows the PPC for a country that can produce oil, which is labor intensive, or televisions, which are capital intensive. The country is currently producing at point A and not trading with the rest of the world. With trade, the world price can be represented by slope of the straight line through Point A. Which of the following is a true statement?
  A) When this country produces the optimal amount with trade, workers in this country will be better off.
  B) When this country produces the optimal amount with trade, capital in this country will be better off.
  C) When this country produces the optimal amount with trade, both factors of production will be better off.
  D) When this country produces the optimal amount with trade, the income of factors of production will not change.
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6 years ago
[ 1 ]  Graph should look like Figure 11.6 in the text. After a depreciation, there is usually a short period of no noticeable impact on the flow of goods and services. When imports and exports begin to respond, the immediate change is an increase in the value of imports, pushing the current account balance deeper into deficit. A depreciation makes foreign goods immediately more expensive, but it takes time for households and businesses to find substitutes. Over time, domestic buyers substitute away from imports, and likewise, the appreciation of the foreign currency increases the demand for exports (which are also likely to be slow to adjust in the short run). Thus eventually, the current account balance should improve.

[ 2 ]  A

[ 3 ]  The Treaty of Rome created the basics for a free trade area as well as a political infrastructure for noneconomic integration.
The Single European Act created a common market among the participants and dealt with an outstanding customs union issues.
The Treaty on European Union (or Maastricht Treaty) brought the participating countries into economic union.
Some countries (such as Norway and Switzerland) participate in the common market but are not members of the EU. Only 12 countries currently participate in the treaty on European Union. For example, the UK, Denmark, and Sweden will never be required to use the euro.

[ 4 ]  A

[ 5 ]  In the short run, the value of imports may increase, increasing the current account deficit. It may take many months before it causes exports to rise and imports to fall.

[ 6 ]  A
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6 years ago
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