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12 years ago
Explain the differences between the classic, alternative and lectin pathways of the complement system.
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3 Replies
12 years ago
Complement (the complement system) is a set of proteins that acts as chemotactic attractants, indirectly triggers inflammation and fever, and ultimately affects the destruction of foreign cells via the formation of membrane attack complexes (MAC), which puncture multiple fatal holes in pathogens’ membranes. Complement is activated by a classical pathway involving antibodies, by an alternate pathway that occurs independent of antibodies, and by a lectin pathway initiated by lectins. The body’s cells have membrane-bound proteins that break down activated complement proteins, interrupting the cascade before the body’s cells are damaged.
12 years ago
That doesn't answer the question, Simon.

Here's a nice concept map, see the attachment.

Let me know if that helps.
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JOJO Author
12 years ago
I can't read the map you posted
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