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roddyrodrod roddyrodrod
Posts: 564
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6 years ago
Reading and writing are similar because they both encompass several ____.
  a. Stages in a process
 b. Summations on several pages
  c. Strategies to use
 d. A and C

Ques. 2

Strong reading skills are needed for the following reason:
  a. To build a strong career
 b. To ensure college success
 c. To gain insight about our community and the world
  d. All of the above

Ques. 3

The acronym FLASHES stands for the following reading strategies:
  a. Flip, look, author, scan, headings/highlights, ending info, skim
  b. Fix, like, answer, shout, headings/highlights, ending info, skim
  c. Flip, look, author, scan, honors/hours, exit, skip
 d. None of the above

Ques. 4

Which sentence uses parentheses correctly?
  a. There are five main components to an e-mail message (besides the message box itself): from, to, cc, bcc, and subject.
  b. There are five main components (to an e-mail message) (besides the message box itself): from, to, cc, bcc, and subject.
  c. There are five (main) components to an (e-mail) message besides the message box itself: from, to, cc, bcc, and subject.
  d. There are five main components to an e-mail message besides the message box itself: (from, to, cc, bcc, and subject.)

Ques. 5

Which sentence uses commas correctly?
  a. He also mentioned due to several complaints that we should not overuse the reply to all response to e-mail because it overpopulates a person's inbox with unwanted messages.
  b. He also mentioned, due to several complaints, that we should not overuse the reply to all response to e-mail because it overpopulates a person's inbox with unwanted messages.
  c. He also mentioned, due to several complaints, that we should not overuse the reply to all response to e-mail, because, it overpopulates a person's inbox with unwanted messages.
  d. He also mentioned, due to several complaints, that we should not overuse the reply to all response, to e-mail, because it overpopulates a person's inbox, with unwanted messages.

Ques. 6

Which sentence uses commas correctly?
  a. At the weekly business meeting, my boss announced in a calm professional voice, Our computer software will be updated to Microsoft Office 2016 next week..
  b. At the weekly business meeting my boss announced in a calm, professional voice Our computer software will be updated to Microsoft Office 2016 next week..
  c. At the weekly business meeting, my boss, announced, in a calm, professional voice, Our computer software, will be updated to Microsoft Office 2016 next week..
  d. At the weekly business meeting, my boss announced in a calm, professional voice, Our computer software will be updated to Microsoft Office 2016 next week..

Ques. 7

A dash can be used on both sides of unnecessary information, information that, if removed, the sentence would still make sense.
  a. Work related e-mailsespecially those going to administratorsshould be short, to the point, and grammatically correct.
  b. Work related e-mailsespeciallythose going to administratorsshould be short, to the point, and grammatically correct.
  c. Work related e-mailsespeciallythose going to administrators should be short, to the point, and grammatically correct.
  d. Work related e-mailsespecially thosegoing to administratorsshould be short, to the point, and grammatically correct.

Ques. 8

Which sentence uses the colon correctly?
  a. Along with this new way of communicating: came a new set of e-mail related rules of etiquette how to type, format, address, and send messages.
  b. Along with this new way of communicating, came a new set of e-mail related rules: of etiquette how to type, format, address, and send messages.
  c. Along with this new way of communicating, came a new set of e-mail related rules of etiquette: how to type, format, address, and send messages.
  d. Along with this new way: of communicating, came a new set of e-mail related rules of etiquette how to type, format, address, and: send messages.

Ques. 9

I think _________ love my new apartment.
  a. Youll
 b. Yule
 c. You'l
 d. You'll
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6 years ago
(Answer to Q. 1)  d
RATIONALE: Use these techniques to get a better, deeper understanding of the text.

(Answer to Q. 2)  d
RATIONALE: Use these techniques to get a better, deeper understanding of the text.

(Answer to Q. 3)  a
RATIONALE: Use these techniques to get a better, deeper understanding of the text.

(Answer to Q. 4)  a
RATIONALE: Parentheses enclose additional information.

(Answer to Q. 5)  b
RATIONALE: Modifiers and interrupters are sometimes unnecessary . . . a comma on both sides indicates that information can be taken out and the sentence will make sense.

(Answer to Q. 6)  d
RATIONALE: Commas go after the action verb before a quote such as such and so stated or said or asked..

(Answer to Q. 7)  a
RATIONALE: A dash can be used on both sides of unnecessary information, information that, if removed, the sentence would still make sense.

(Answer to Q. 8)  c
RATIONALE: Examples in a series that follow a complete sentence and are examples of a subject within the complete sentence must be preceded by a colon.

(Answer to Q. 9)  d
RATIONALE: You'll = you will
roddyrodrod Author
6 years ago
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