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AlfredDieselGuy AlfredDieselGuy
Posts: 576
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6 years ago
The type of supporting information that is used to show how a principle can be
  applied in a real situation consists of
  a. statistics.
  b. examples.
  c. reasons.
  d. research.

Ques. 2

Liberal feminism is rooted in the classic liberal thinking that individuals should be free to develop their own talents and pursue their own interests. Liberal feminists accept the basic organization of our society but seek to expand the rights and opportunities of women, in part by passage of the Equal Rights Amendment.
  The purpose of the paragraph is
  a. to explain to the reader why the Equal Rights Amendment was passed.
  b. to inform the reader that liberal feminists believe in, and work for, individual freedoms.
  c. to persuade the reader to support the Equal Rights Amendment.
  The tone of the story is
  a. explanatory. b. tolerant. c. inspiring.

Ques. 3

The SOAR study system makes sense and is easy to use. First, select the important content (S) by recording all the important information in notes. Second, organize the information (O) using representations whenever possible. Third, create associations (A) by linking noted ideas to each other (internal associations) and to prior knowledge (external associations). Finally, regulate learning (R) by generating and answering practice test questions.
  The purpose of the paragraph is
  a. to explain to the reader why the SOAR system is effective while learning math.
  b. to describe the SOAR study system to the reader and how it is best used.
  c. to give examples of the SOAR study system.
  The tone of the paragraph is
  a. inspirational. b. sensational. c. descriptive.

Ques. 4

The writer's choice of point of view controls not only what we know but also how we experience the events in the story. If we trust the narrator, and the narrator is scared, we will probably be scared. But if we don't trust the narrator and the narrator is scared, the writer has put the reader in a tough, but perhaps very rewarding, situation of reading the story on two levels. We experience the story as the narrator does, and we experience the story as a skeptical observer of the story.
  The purpose of the paragraph is
  a. to analyze how the writer's choice of point of view affects how we experience a story.
  b. to explain to the reader how trusting the narrator makes us enjoy a story.
  c. to give statistics on how the writer's point of view affects the outcome of the story.
  The tone of the paragraph is
  a. humorous. b. judgmental. c. analytical

Ques. 5

Several hundred years ago, the ancestral population of Pima Indians split into two tribes. One branch moved to Arizona and adopted the American diet and lifestyle; the typical Pima of Arizona gets as much exercise as the average American and also eats a high-fat, low-fiber diet, similar to most Americans. Unfortunately, the health consequences for them are more severe than they are for most Americansclose to 60 of the Arizona Pima are obese and diabetic. In contrast, the Pima of New Mexico maintained their ancestral farming life and their diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, and fiber. The Pima of New Mexico also engage in physical labor close to 22 hours per week and are 60 pounds lighter than their Arizona cousins. Consequently, diabetes is virtually unheard of.
  The purpose of the paragraph is
  a. to entertain the reader with a story about the Pima Indians.
  b. to persuade the reader to adapt the diet and lifestyle of the Pima Indians.
  c. to describe the effects that diet and exercise have on the lives of the two tribes of Pima Indians.
  The tone of the passage is
  a. serious and inspiring.
  b. gloomy and pessimistic.
  c. descriptive and optimistic.

Ques. 6

For most of our history, the population of humans has remained at very low levels. The most widely accepted estimates indicate that there were about 5 million humans at the beginning of the agricultural era, about 10,000 years ago; about 100 million during the Egyptian empire 7,000 years later; and about 250 million at the dawn of the Christian religion in 1 C.E. (C.E. refers to Common Era, the year designation used by most Western countries). The population was growing, but at a very slow rateapproximately 0.1 per year. Beginning around 1750, the rate at which the human population was growing jumped to about 2 per year. The human population reached 1 billion in 1800, had doubled to 2 billion by 1930, and had doubled again to 4 billion by 1970 . Although the current growth rate is slower, about 1.2 per year, the rapid increase in population looks quite dramatic on a graph of human population over time.
  The purpose of the paragraph is
  a. to explain to the reader why the rate of population growth is slow.
  b. to discuss the reasons why the human population has not been increasing at a faster pace.
  c. to inform the reader that although population rates have varied over the years, the increase has been dramatic.
  The tone of the passage is
  a. critical. b. objective. c. disbelieving.

Ques. 7

Developing concept test items is a great way to practice for concept tests, but you should do more. You should share practice tests with study partners. Here's why. Remember that concept tests require you to recognize new examples, not generate new exampleswhich is exactly what you are doing when you construct concept tests. Therefore, it is helpful to exchange practice tests with study partners so that group members also get practice doing what they must ultimately do on the testrecognize new examples. The more practice you get recognizing novel examples, the better prepared you'll be for concept test items.
  The purpose of the paragraph is
  a. to describe to the reader what is meant by concept tests.
  b. to give statistics on how students pass concept tests.
  c. to persuade the reader to use a study partner when studying and practicing for concept tests.
  The tone of the paragraph is
  a. condescending. b. persuasive. c. doubtful.
Read 28 times
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6 years ago
(Answer to Q. 1)  b

(Answer to Q. 2)  b, b

(Answer to Q. 3)  b, c

(Answer to Q. 4)  a, c

(Answer to Q. 5)  c, c

(Answer to Q. 6)  c, b

(Answer to Q. 7)  c, b
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