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Dierdra Dierdra
Posts: 307
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6 years ago
A client who is afraid of flying describes a recent episode in which his/her job required her to take a one-hour flight. A client-centered therapist is most likely to respond by
  a. acknowledging the anxiety that the client must have felt .
  b. pointing out to the client that he/she survived the flight and no catastrophe occurred, thus challenging the belief that flying is dangerous.
  c. offering social reinforcements including smiles and compliments to increase the likelihood that the client will fly again.
  d. offering the interpretation that the client's fear of flying may actually be a response (reaction formation) to an unconscious wish to fly away from home.

Question 2

Emma, who is seeing Dr. Charles for client-centered therapy, is currently going through a particularly difficult time. How might Dr. Charles reassure Emma at this time, while also working within the confines of client-centered therapy?
  a. by telling her repeatedly that she has the ability to make positive life changes
  b. through her tone of voice, facial expression, and general demeanor
  c. by patting or holding her hand during especially tough portions of session
  d. none of the above

Question 3

Brandon is a graduate student receiving training in client-centered therapy. Which of the following is something that he should be discouraged from doing when he meets with a client?
  a. asking the client questions
  b. giving the client advice
  c. offering the client interpretations
  d. all of the above

Question 4

A client-centered therapist is seeing a client whose comments anger the therapist. As a congruent therapist, the therapist will probably
  a. terminate the therapy and refer the client to another therapist.
  b. attempt to persuade the client to think more like the therapist does.
  c. smile and nod in an attempt to maintain rapport.
  d. allow the client to know that the therapist is angry.

Question 5

According to Rogers, congruence
  a. refers to the therapist's ability to accurately identify and reflect the feelings of the client.
  b. is secondary to insight as a therapeutic factor.
  c. involves therapists openly expressing the feelings they have during sessions.
  d. involves the similarity between the personal beliefs of the therapist and the personal beliefs of the client.

Question 6

A client-centered therapist is seeing a client who frequently makes racially hateful comments. The therapist will probably
  a. examine with the client the social costs and benefits of holding and stating such beliefs.
  b. design a homework assignment that will enhance the client's cultural sensitivity.
  c. show respect and acceptance for the client as a person.
  d. object only if the therapist holds dissonant beliefs.
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6 years ago
(Answer to Q. 1)  A

(Answer to Q. 2)  B

(Answer to Q. 3)  D

(Answer to Q. 4)  D

(Answer to Q. 5)  C

(Answer to Q. 6)  C
Dierdra Author
6 years ago
I can see it now, thanks for clarifying
6 years ago
Make sure to mark the topic solved
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