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lilipie lilipie
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6 years ago
The id seems to be the impulsive side of a person, and the ego is the controlling side that helps balance the impulsive acts of the id. The superego functions as the moral control in relation to the id and the ego. Give a real-life example of a person struggling with a frustrating problem and how the id, ego, and the superego would respond to the anxiety in this person.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 2

Freud's major research method was the case study.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

Question 3

According to Freud's theory, resistance involves a patient refusing to take any medication.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

Question 4

Dream analysis and free association were the main techniques that Freud used in order to bring repressed memories, fears, and thoughts back to the level of conscious awareness.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

Question 5

Freud held a free will point of view, not a deterministic point of view.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
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6 years ago
(Answer to Q. 1)  ANS: Students' answers will vary.
The id is the reservoir for the instincts and libido. Because the id is the reservoir of the instincts, it is vitally and directly related to the satisfaction of bodily needs. Reason or rationality is contained in Freud's second structure of personality, the ego, which is the rational master of the personality. Its purpose is not to thwart the impulses of the id but to help the id obtain the tension reduction it craves. Because the ego is aware of reality, however, it decides when and how the id instincts can best be satisfied. There is also a third set of forcesa powerful and largely unconscious set of dictates or beliefsthat we acquire in childhood: our ideas of right and wrong. Freud called it the superego.
For example, Jane would like to go dancing with two of her male friends (involves the id). However, she knows that using two boys for one date would create conflict (involves the ego); and she knows this might be socially wrong to do (involves the superego).

(Answer to Q. 2)  ANS: T
FEEDBACK: Freud's major research method was the case study, which has several limitations. A case study is a detailed history of an individual that contains data from a variety of sources.

(Answer to Q. 3)  ANS: F
FEEDBACK: In free association, some experiences or memories were evidently too painful to talk about, and the patient would be reluctant to disclose them. Freud called these moments resistances.

(Answer to Q. 4)  ANS: T
FEEDBACK: The goal of Freud's system of psychoanalysis was to bring those repressed memories, fears, and thoughts back into conscious awareness. Over the course of his work with patients, Freud developed two methods of assessment: free association and dream analysis.

(Answer to Q. 5)  ANS: F
PTS: 1
A-HEAD: Questions about Human Nature
REF: 58
FEEDBACK: On the issue of free will versus determinism, Freud held a deterministic view: Virtually everything we do, think, and even dream is predetermined by the life and death instincts, the inaccessible and invisible forces within us.
lilipie Author
6 years ago
I know you spent a lot of time finding this because I swear it wasn't in my textbook
6 years ago
You're partially right, it's found midway in the chapter, but not at all easy to find. Good luck with the rest
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