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noyabusiness noyabusiness
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6 years ago
The last part of Chapter 13 examines society's response to the problem of abuse. This discussion pointed out that
  a. at least half of high schools in the United States have developed programs that discuss the problems of sexual assault and family violence.
  b. community organizations and religious groups have greatly increased their programs on reducing abuse.
  c. the mediaespecially TV showsare now much less likely than in the last decade to show men being violent toward women.
  d. physicians are now encouraged to routinely ask women about abuse, as part of the general screening procedure.CHAPTER 14Women and Older Adulthood

Question 2

According to the discussion of society's response to the abuse of women,
  a. in the current decade, very few people are aware that the abuse of women is a serious problem.
  b. the US government is currently developing comprehensive plans for requiring counseling for abusers.
  c. in the current decade, medical organizations are urging doctors to ask their patients about any potential problems related to domestic violence.
  d. community organizations are currently very active in sending the message that domestic violence should not be tolerated.

Question 3

According to the discussion in Chapter 13 about the abuse of women, the most important question is
  a. Why do women stay in an abusive relationship?
  b. What can women do to make their male partners less violent?
  c. What can our society do to make it clear that abuse is not acceptable?
  d. How can women encourage men to promise that they will stop all future abuse?

Question 4

A woman who is in an abusive relationship may want to use some services in her community. According to the discussion of shelters for abused women in the United States,
  a. the number of shelters had increased dramatically, partly because of increased public concern.
  b. on a typical day in the United States, about 25,000 women are currently living in a shelter for abused women.
  c. there are about 10 times as many shelters in the United States, compared to the number of Canadian shelters, but the US population is close to 10 times as large.
  d. unfortunately, only the best shelters can offer services such as counseling.

Question 5

Suppose that you have a friend who has been married for a year, and she tells you that her husband has beaten her several times. You should tell her that
  a. abusive relationships typically improve as the man and the woman become better acquainted with each other.
  b. most therapists have the same the woman should be blamed attitude that the general population endorses.
  c. the research on batterer-intervention programs shows that these programs are typically highly effective.
  d. feminist therapy is often helpful for women who have been abused.

Question 6

What can we conclude about the options available for abused women?
  a. Therapy that examines why the woman was abused is particularly helpful.
  b. Abusive males are usually eager to seek therapy for their disorder, as long as it is tactfully suggested.
  c. Feminist therapy, in which the therapist works to increase the women's self-esteem and sense of independence, can be helpful.
  d. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is not recommended for this kind of situation.
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6 years ago
(Answer to Q. 1)  D

(Answer to Q. 2)  C

(Answer to Q. 3)  C

(Answer to Q. 4)  B

(Answer to Q. 5)  D

(Answer to Q. 6)  C
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