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6 years ago
While Kate Sandberg was preoccupied with concluding the Synchromotive case, one of her junior associates, Tim Decker, was assigned to handle another case that was approaching trial. The case involved an automobile collision at an intersection controlled by a traffic light. The facts of the collision were disputed, and winning the case depended on the timing and relative positions of the various cars involved. Tim needed to be able to show the jury the sequence of events in the collision so they could understand his client's version of the case. However, the trial was only three days away, and there were no videos or any other images of the collision. How can Tim effectively demonstrate for the jury how the collision occurred? What tools are available to him?
  What will be an ideal response?

Q. 2

How are presentations used in the legal community?
  What will be an ideal response?

Q. 3

A file structure defined by the original creating application is called a graphic interface format
  a. True
   b. False
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Q. 4

Explain how graphics created with ordinary office suite applications and presentation graphics programs may be used in litigation.
  What will be an ideal response?

Q. 5

When clients seek legal advice, their names the the subject matter of their cases usually do not need to be kept confidential.
  a. True
   b. False
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Q. 6

Collaboration among members of the legal team is usually unnecessary to handle the increased complexity of cases and the shortened time in which to prepare for trial under new court rules.
  a. True
   b. False
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Q. 7

Timelines are rarely presented as a graphic representation.
  a. True
   b. False
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Q. 8

The information handled by a case management system requires the same protection as any other source of confidential or privileged client information.
  a. True
   b. False
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false
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6 years ago
(Answer to #1)  Tim could use software such as Smart Draw to quickly create a reconstruction of the accident. Smart Draw provides many templates and icons showing various types of intersections. The templates can be modified by dragging and dropping vehicle icons into the template. He could create a series of images showing the sequence of events, and the positions of the vehicles at each moment in the accident. The images can then be exported to PowerPoint to create a seamless presentation.

(Answer to #2)  Presentations in the legal community are typically used to reinforce the ideas,
concepts, and thoughts that the presenter wants to emphasize. A good presentation can enhance and highlight the speaker's ideas and concepts, whereas a poor presentation can undermine all the hard work that went into it. PowerPoint has become the standard for making electronic presentations to all types of audiences, from grade-schoolers to courtroom juries. If used appropriately, PowerPoint can emphasize the speaker's main ideas and aid an audience's understanding.

(Answer to #3)  TRUE

(Answer to #4)  Graphics now play an important role not only during trial, but also in the stages leading up to trial. Using photographs, videos, computer simulations, timelines, and other graphics, the litigation team can get a better understanding of the facts and legal theories that support a case. Once these factors are understood and clarified by both parties, settlement is more likely. Thus, settlement brochures that are sent to the opposing side now include graphics to illustrate the theory of liability, the damages, and the potential evidence that
will be used if the case goes to trial. If the case does not settle before trial, the graphics created in the pretrial process may be used as trial exhibits.

(Answer to #5)  FALSE

(Answer to #6)  FALSE

(Answer to #7)  FALSE

(Answer to #8)  TRUE
BUDDA2222 Author
6 years ago
Thanks for your help <3
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