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6 years ago
A medical term that means blood flowing out of a blood vessel is ________.
  Fill in the blank(s) with correct word


Which of the following statements regarding alveoli is NOT true?
  a. They are located at the end of bronchi.
  b. They are thin-walled.
  c. They are also called the air sacs.
  d. They are surrounded by capillaries.


The medical term tracheotomy means:
  A) surgical creation of an opening into the trachea
  B) surgical repair of the trachea
  C) incision into the trachea
  D) surgical puncture into the chest cavity


When a patient's radiation therapy is administered via the bloodstream it is called ________ therapy.
  A) external radiation
  B) radium
  C) sealed radiation
  D) unsealed radiation


A neuroblastoma is a:
  A) nerve cell.
  B) glial cell.
  C) malignant tumor.
  D) benign tumor.


Write the correct meaning for BP:
  What will be an ideal response?


An ulcer is a flat, discolored lesion on the skin.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false


Which term means without speech?
  a. hypophasia
  b. dysphasia
  c. bradyphasia
  d. aphasia


Which term means pain in the urethra?
  a. urethralgia
  b. urethritis
  c. ureterectasis
  d. ureteralgia


Another health care provider involved in respiratory care is the _______________ therapist.
  a. lung
  b. respiratory
  c. pulmonary
  d. breathing


Which of the following does NOT give information regarding the health of the heart?
  a. transesophageal echocardiography
  b. Holter monitor
  c. venipuncture
  d. stress testing


Macular degeneration is deterioration of cells in the area of sharpest vision.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false


The medical term for creation of an opening in the trachea is:
  A) tracheostenosis
  B) thoracentesis
  C) tracheostomy
  D) thoracotomy
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6 years ago
[Answer to ques. #1]  hemorrhage

[Answer to ques. #2]  a
a. They are located at the end of bronchi: correct
b. They are thin-walled: a true statement
c. They are also called the air sacs: a true statement
d. They are surrounded by capillaries: a true statement

[Answer to ques. #3]  C
Explanation: The root trache refers to the trachea and the suffix -tomy to surgical incision. Not to be confused with the suffix -stomy, the creation of an opening.

[Answer to ques. #4]  D
A) External radiation therapy is administered from outside the patient's body.
B) Radium therapy is sealed radiation therapy.
C) Sealed radiation therapy is placement of a sealed radiation source in the body.
D) Correct.

[Answer to ques. #5]  C
A) A neuron is a nerve cell.
B) A glial cell is a cell that protects the neurons in the CNS.
C) Correct.
D) A neuroblastoma is a malignant tumor.

[Answer to ques. #6]  blood pressure

[Answer to ques. #7]  FALSE
Explanation: A macule is a flat, discolored lesion on the skin. An ulcer is an open sore or lesion in the skin or mucous membrane.

[Answer to ques. #8]  d
a. hypophasia: means deficient speech
b. dysphasia: means difficult speech
c. bradyphasia: means slow speech
d. aphasia: correct

[Answer to ques. #9]  a
a. urethralgia: correct
b. urethritis: means inflammation of the urethra
c. ureterectasis: means dilation of the ureter
d. ureteralgia: means pain in the ureter

[Answer to ques. #10]  b
a. lung: such a health provider is not referred to as a lung therapist
b. respiratory: correct
c. pulmonary: such a health provider is not referred to as a pulmonary therapist
d. breathing: such a health provider is not referred to as a breathing therapist

[Answer to ques. #11]  c
a. transesophageal echocardiography: does give information regarding the health of the heart
b. Holter monitor: does give information regarding the health of the heart
c. venipuncture: correct
d. stress testing:does give information regarding the health of the heart

[Answer to ques. #12]  TRUE

[Answer to ques. #13]  C
Explanation: Two of the answers are eliminated based on the anatomical region; they refer to the thorax. The other two answers indicate the root trache for trachea. Centesis means surgical puncture; sten/osis, narrowing; and -stomy, creation of an opening.
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