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mlevans624 mlevans624
Posts: 510
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6 years ago
The nurse is reviewing the results of serum laboratory tests conducted on a client. Which of the following results should be reported?
  1. Calcium 8.5 mg/dL
  2. Potassium 6.1 mEq/L
  3. Serum creatinine 1.4 mg/dL
  4. Sodium 144 mEq/L

Question 2

The nurse is instructing a client diagnosed with gout about a low-purine diet. Which of the following foods would be identified as those to avoid when following this diet? (Select all that apply.)
  1. Avocados
  2. Milk
  3. Scallops
  4. White bread
  5. Alcohol
  6. Bacon

Question 3

The nurse needs to collect a urine specimen for culture from a client who does not have an indwelling urinary catheter. Which of the following instructions would the nurse provide the client regarding how to collect this sample?
  1. Decrease your water intake so the sample will be more concentrated.
  2. I will need to catheterize you to obtain urine.
  3. Please use the wipe and cup for the sample.
  4. When you use the urinal, please call so that I can get the sample.
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6 years ago
The answer to question 1  2
Normal potassium levels are between 3.5 and 5 mEq/L. The other values are within normal limits.

The answer to question 2  3, 5, 6
Food high in purine include scallops and bacon. Alcohol is also high in purine. Avocados, milk, and white bread are low-purine foods.

The answer to question 3  3
A urine specimen obtained from a non-catheterized client should be collected using a specimen cup and by using the proper cleansing technique. The nurse should not instruct the client to reduce fluid intake. The nurse does not need to catheterize the client to obtain the specimen. The nurse should not be using urine from a urinal for this specimen.
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