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oicyunvme oicyunvme
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6 years ago
The health care team is addressing an ethical issue regarding one client's continuing care. The nurse wants to ensure that the principle of justice is taken into consideration.
  Which of the following ethical decision-making modules would support this principle?
  1. Medical indications
  2. Patient preferences
  3. Quality of life
  4. Contextual features

Question 2

When the nurse obtains a client's signature for informed consent, the nurse's responsibility is the verification that:
  1. the client understands everything about the procedure.
  2. a family member witnesses the signature.
  3. the client was not coerced into signing the form.
  4. the client has asked questions.

Question 3

The nurse is preparing a consent form for a client to sign before a procedure. Which of the following statements explains a characteristic of informed consent?
  1. The client does not need autonomy to give consent.
  2. Minors are permitted to give consent.
  3. The client does not need to give consent if the situation is an emergency.
  4. If the client is of legal age, he or she does not need the cognitive ability to understand.

Question 4

The nurse who bases client care actions on the principle of greatest good is implementing which ethical theory?
  1. Teleology
  2. Deontology
  3. Utilitarian
  4. Justice

Question 5

A client recovering from surgery does not want to move out of bed because of pain. The nurse explains the long-term effects of staying in bed and the benefits of movement. The client agrees and is assisted out of bed. This is an example of:
  1. autonomy.
  2. nonmaleficence.
  3. beneficence.
  4. justice.

Question 6

The care a nurse provides to clients is considered as being a benefit to their health and recovery. The principle that supports the nurse's behavior is considered:
  1. autonomy.
  2. nonmaleficence.
  3. beneficence.
  4. justice.

Question 7

A client, being treated with chemotherapy and radiation for terminal cancer, decides to stop any further treatment and enter the hospice program. The nurse realizes this client's decision is supported by the ethical principle of:
  1. autonomy.
  2. nonmaleficence.
  3. beneficence.
  4. justice.

Question 8

The nurse is providing care for a client who is 18 years old. Which of the following ethical principles should be implemented for this client?
  1. Liberty
  2. Agency
  3. Justice
  4. Autonomy
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6 years ago
The answer to question 1

The contextual features ethical decision-making model supports the ethical principle of justice. Medical indications support the ethical principles of beneficence and nonmaleficence. Patient preferences support the ethical principle of autonomy. Quality of life supports the ethical principles of beneficence, nonmaleficence, and autonomy.

The answer to question 2

The nurse verifies that the person named on the consent is the person to receive the procedure. The nurse ensures that the patient has the right to freely consent or refuse to consent based on the information given and her own personal values and wishes. Informed consent is not agreeing that the client understands everything about a procedure, that a family member witnesses the signature, nor the client has asked all questions about the procedure.

The answer to question 3

In an emergency situation in which life or limb is at risk, the process of informed consent is waived. Minors cannot give consent unless the client is an emancipated minor. The client must have autonomy, be of legal age, and have the cognitive ability to understand to give consent.

The answer to question 4

Utilitarian theory (part of teleology theory) means that the action must be of benefit to the greatest number of people affected by the action. Teleology is the evaluation of final causes (outcomes). Deontology is about one's moral duty and obligation and is most concerned not with the outcomes of an action but rather with the action. Justice is an ethical principle, not a theory.

The answer to question 5

Beneficence requires that actions are of benefit to others even if the nurse must first cause harm (pain). Autonomy is self-rule that is free from controlling influence by others and from limitations such as inadequate understanding. Nonmaleficence means do no harm. Justice requires that cases are treated in like fashion.

The answer to question 6

Justice requires that all cases are treated in like fashion. Beneficence requires that actions are of benefit to others. Autonomy is self-rule that is free from controlling influence by others and from limitations such as inadequate understanding. Nonmaleficence means do no harm.

The answer to question 7

Nonmaleficence is the use of ability, judgment, or skill to help someone else without intent to cause injury or harm. In this case, nonmaleficence can support the option of not providing further aggressive or invasive treatment that could cause injury or harm. Autonomy is a self-rule that is free from interference by others and from limitations that prevent a meaningful choice. Beneficence means to be of benefit to others. Justice is a principle whereby all people who seek health care should receive the best possible treatment available with dignity and respect.

The answer to question 8

A person who is at least 18 years of age and can make reasoned choices has autonomy and is free to make decisions regarding his own health care. Liberty is a characteristic of autonomy. Justice is an ethical principle that supports all people seeking health care receiving the best treatment available with dignity and respect. Agency is another characteristic of autonomy that means the capacity for intentional action.
oicyunvme Author
6 years ago
Thank you for helping me with this assignment of mine
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