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amira amira
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6 years ago
A 68-year-old patient has been in the intensive care unit for 4 days and has a nursing diagnosis of disturbed sensory perception related to sleep deprivation. Which action should the nurse include in the plan of care?
  a. Administer prescribed sedatives or opioids at bedtime to promote sleep.
  b. Cluster nursing activities so that the patient has uninterrupted rest periods.
  c. Silence the alarms on the cardiac monitors to allow 30- to 40-minute naps.
  d. Eliminate assessments between 0100 and 0600 to allow uninterrupted sleep.

Question 2

During assessment of the patient with fibromyalgia, the nurse would expect the patient to report which of the following (select all that apply)?
  a. Sleep disturbances
  b. Multiple tender points
  c. Cardiac palpitations and dizziness
  d. Multijoint pain with inflammation and swelling
  e. Widespread bilateral, burning musculoskeletal pain

Question 3

When reviewing the chart shown in the accompanying figure for a new patient with rheumatoid arthritis, the nurse reads that the patient has swan neck deformities. Which deformity will the nurse expect to observe when assessing the patient?
  a. A
  b. B
  c. C
  d. D

Question 4

Which nursing action can the registered nurse (RN) delegate to unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) who are assisting with the care of a patient with scleroderma?
  a. Monitor for difficulty in breathing.
  b. Document the patient's oral intake.
  c. Check finger strength and movement.
  d. Apply capsaicin (Zostrix) cream to hands.

Question 5

After the nurse assesses a 78-year-old who uses naproxen (Aleve) daily for hand and knee osteoarthritis management, which information is most important to report to the health care provider?
  a. Knee crepitation is noted with normal knee range of motion.
  b. Patient reports embarrassment about having Heberden's nodes.
  c. Patient's knee pain while golfing has increased over the last year.
  d. Laboratory results indicate blood urea nitrogen (BUN) is elevated.

Question 6

A 28-year-old with psoriatic arthritis and back pain is receiving etanercept (Enbrel). Which finding is most important for the nurse to report to the health care provider?
  a. Crackles are heard in both lung bases.
  b. Red, scaly patches are noted on the arms.
  c. Hemoglobin level is 11.1g/dL and hematocrit is 35.
  d. Patient reports continued back pain after a week of etanercept therapy.
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6 years ago
The answer to question 1

Clustering nursing activities and providing uninterrupted rest periods will minimize sleep-cycle disruption. Sedative and opioid medications tend to decrease the amount of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and can contribute to sleep disturbance and disturbed sensory perception. Silencing the alarms on the cardiac monitors would be unsafe in a critically ill patient, as would discontinuing assessments during the night.

The answer to question 2

ANS: A, B, E
These symptoms are commonly described by patients with fibromyalgia. Cardiac involvement and joint inflammation are not typical of fibromyalgia.

The answer to question 3

Swan neck deformity involves distal interphalangeal joint hyperflexion and proximal interphalangeal joint hyperextension of the hands. The other deformities are also associated with rheumatoid arthritis: ulnar drift, boutonniere deformity, and hallux vagus.

The answer to question 4

Monitoring and documenting patients' oral intake is included in UAP education and scope of practice. Assessments for changes in physical status and administration of medications require more education and scope of practice, and should be done by licensed nurses.

The answer to question 5

Older patients are at increased risk for renal toxicity caused by nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as naproxen. The other information will also be reported to the health care provider but is consistent with the patient's diagnosis of osteoarthritis and will not require an immediate change in the patient's treatment plan.

The answer to question 6

Because heart failure is a possible adverse effect of etanercept, the medication may need to be discontinued. The other information will also be reported to the health care provider but does not indicate a need for a change in treatment. Red, scaly patches of skin and mild anemia are commonly seen with psoriatic arthritis. Treatment with biologic therapies requires time to improve symptoms.
amira Author
6 years ago
Appreciate the effort you put into answering, thank you!
6 years ago
You're very welcome
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