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Nstilli Nstilli
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6 years ago
The nurse is identifying interventions for a patient with a hearing deficit. What should be included in this patient's plan of care?
  Select all that apply.
  1. Speak face-to-face, but do not overarticulate your words.
  2. Offer alternative methods of communication, such as paper and pencil.
  3. Use facial and hand gestures while talking.
  4. Speak loudly and in a higher pitch for easier understanding of words.
  5. Restate in exactly the same words if not understood the first time.

Question 2

Following myringotomy for acute otitis media, the patient should be instructed by the nurse on what aspect of home management?
  1. Avoid sudden changes in barometric pressure.
  2. Ear irrigations should be placed on the wall of the external canal.
  3. Sterile, cotton-tipped swabs can be used to clean the ear drainage.
  4. Swimming is restricted for approximately two weeks.

Question 3

The nurse is planning care for a patient with severe symptoms of tinnitus, vertigo, sensorineural hearing deficit, nausea, and vomiting. What issue should the nurse identify as a priority for this patient?
  1. anticipating future attacks
  2. ensuring adequate nutritional intake
  3. problems with interpersonal relationships
  4. difficulty sleeping

Question 4

Following a severe corneal ulcer, the patient had keratoplasty (corneal transplant). What information should be included in the nursing plan of care?
  Select all that apply.
  1. Wear an eye shield the first 24 hours and then at night until several weeks postoperatively as directed by healthcare provider.
  2. Avoid lifting, sneezing, coughing, or bending over at the waist.
  3. Report any change noted, such as increased pain, drainage, bleeding, floaters, and cloudiness.
  4. Administer all eyedrops and ointments in a sterile manner.
  5. Administer mydriatics during the postoperative period.

Question 5

A patient who has been blind since birth is admitted to the hospital. Which actions should the nurse take when caring for this patient?
  Select all that apply.
  1. Orient the patient verbally and physically to the layout of the room.
  2. Leave the room door partially open.
  3. Place signs to remind staff not to move equipment.
  4. Ensure the television is on at all times.
  5. Tell the patient you will leave the light on 24 hours a day.

Question 6

The nurse is instructing a patient who has a hearing and balance disorder. What should be included in these instructions?
  Select all that apply.
  1. Change positions slowly.
  2. Turn the whole body, rather than just the head.
  3. Stand very still with the onset of vertigo.
  4. Increase pace of ambulation.
  5. Avoid reclining while taking antivertigo medication.

Question 7

An older patient often responds incorrectly to questions or during general conversation. The nurse realizes that this patient should be assessed for what health problem?
  1. hearing disorder
  2. history of strokes
  3. level of education
  4. cognitive impairment

Question 8

A patient who is a single parent of two young children has recently lost vision in one eye following a car accident. Which problems that are common to people with sudden blindness should the nurse address as being high priority with this patient?
  1. grieving
  2. change in family functioning
  3. possible change in self-esteem
  4. potential for injury
  5. fear of future trauma
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6 years ago
The answer to question 1

Correct Answer: 1, 2, 3
Many patients with hearing deficits can read lips to some extent to assist in the communication process. Facing away from the patient does not alert the patient to the need to communicate. Offering alternative methods of communication allows for independence and clarity of communication if the patient chooses to use another method. The nurse allows the patient to maintain self-esteem and input to personal management. Facial gestures and hand gestures (nonverbal cues) contribute to communication; therefore, they are not distracting but helpful. Do not speak louder; use a deeper tone for better understanding, since higher pitch is lost first with most hearing problems. Do not use the same words, since consonants and vowels are not being understood. Try alternative words or methods of communication. Repeating the same words is frustrating for both persons.

The answer to question 2

Correct Answer: 1
The patient should be instructed to avoid sudden changes in air pressure. No ear irrigations should be done during the postoperative as solution could enter through the tubes and contaminate the middle ear. Sterile swabs are not to be placed in the external canal because of the potential of dislodging the tubes, as well as the potential for middle ear contamination. Therefore, nothing should be inserted into the ear following surgery. A sterile cotton ball can be placed loosely at the external opening of the ear, not in the canal or near the tympanic membrane, to collect any drainage, but it should not be packed deeply into the ear canal. Swimming, submerging in water, and getting water in the ear are contraindicated for several months (not weeks) due to the risk of water contamination in the middle ear.

The answer to question 3

Correct Answer: 1
The symptoms listed are for labyrinthitis and Mnire disease, a disorder of the inner ear that disturbs all balance and coordination of motor skills related to gravitational pulls. Because of the unpredictable nature of attacks, the patient with vertigo due to an inner ear disorder needs to learn strategies for dealing with an acute episode. Although the patient is experiencing nausea and vomiting, there is no evidence that this will be prolonged. There is no evidence that the patient will have problems with interpersonal relationships because of the health problem. Some patients might have difficulty sleeping; however, this is not a priority since the patient is not experiencing a change in sleep at this time.

The answer to question 4

Correct Answer: 1, 2, 3, 4
An eye shield is needed to remind the patient not to touch or bump the eye until complete healing of the corneal transplant has occurred. At night, the eye is protected to avoid possible scratching or trauma while asleep. Lifting, sneezing, coughing, or bending will increase intraocular pressure and should be avoided while the corneal transplant is healing. Any change (pain, drainage, bleeding, floaters, or cloudiness) should be reported immediately, since a complication might have developed (e.g., rupture of suture, infection, internal tears). The use of sterile technique is needed for eye medication after surgery to prevent introduction of bacteria or trauma from touching the eye. Mydriatics will dilate the pupil of the eye and increase intraocular pressures. Therefore, they are not given postoperatively because they will minimize blood flow and healing. Mydriatics are used in the preoperative phase to visualize the internal structures.

The answer to question 5

Correct Answer: 1, 3
Orienting the patient verbally and physically allows the patient to understand the location of items and what is present in the room. Leave doors either fully open or closed as the patient wishes, but, to preserve safety, do not leave doors partially open. Posting a sign as a reminder to leave equipment (chairs, tables, etc.) in the same location will minimize the risk of injury when the patient is ambulating in the room. Staff from other departments might not be familiar with the patient's special needs, and a reminder will contribute to the patient's well-being. Sensory stimuli such as a television should be used as desired by the patient. Telling the patient that a light will be on does not increase safety for a patient that has no vision. In some cases, even though the patient is blind, this action can alter the sleeping pattern of the patient.

The answer to question 6

Correct Answer: 1, 2
The patient should be instructed to change positions slowly, especially when ambulating; turn the whole body rather than just the head; sit down immediately with the onset of vertigo and lie down if possible; and take prescribed antiemetic and anti-vertigo medications. It is not necessary to avoid reclining while taking antivertigo medication.

The answer to question 7

Correct Answer: 1
Inappropriate responses due to a hearing deficit can cause others to perceive the patient as stupid or demented. Level of education or cognitive impairment is unrelated to the issue of inappropriate responses.

The answer to question 8

Correct Answer: 1, 2, 3
Although adaptation may be easier for the patient who experiences a gradual loss of vision than for someone with an abrupt loss, both must grieve the lost sense. The patient who becomes blind needs to grieve the lost body function as well as the loss of mobility, self-sufficiency, perhaps economic security, and, to a certain extent, contact with reality as it has been perceived. Interpersonal relationships and roles are affected. Communication patterns change with the loss of the ability to perceive many nonverbal cues. The patient's self-concept and self-esteem are threatened. Anger, denial, remorse, and self-pity are not uncommon in the initial period following loss of sight. The patient still has some sight. The potential for injury is not of a high priority at this time. There is no evidence that the patient will have a fear of future traumatic events.
Nstilli Author
6 years ago
Appreciate this a lot, answers were right.
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