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ashtin6 ashtin6
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6 years ago
When listening to heart sounds, the nurse hears an S3 sound after S2. What should the nurse suspect is occurring with this patient?
  1. ventricular volume overload
  2. increased resistance to ventricular filling
  3. inflammation of the pericardial sac
  4. stenotic mitral valve

Question 2

The nurse is caring for a patient admitted with a grade III heart murmur heard at midsystole. The nurse recognizes that which cardiac conditions could cause this assessment finding?
  Select all that apply.
  1. aortic stenosis
  2. cardiomyopathy
  3. atrioventricular (AV) valve disease
  4. mitral valve prolapse (MVP)
  5. ventricular septal defect

Question 3

The patient's ECG shows the following characteristics: PR interval .08, QRS .08, and isoelectric ST segment. The nurse realizes that these characteristics indicate which finding?
  1. faster than normal conduction from the SA node to the ventricles, normal conduction through the ventricles, and normal ST segment
  2. faster than normal conduction from the SA node to the ventricles, faster than normal conduction through the ventricles, and normal ST segment
  3. normal conduction from the SA node to the ventricles, normal conduction through the ventricles, and normal ST segment
  4. normal conduction from the SA node to the ventricles, normal conduction through the ventricles, and abnormal ST segment

Question 4

The nurse is caring for a patient with hypovolemic shock. The nurse should realize that this patient's heart sounds will change in which way?
  1. diminished S2
  2. accentuated S2
  3. diminished S1 and S2
  4. no change in S1 or S2

Question 5

The nurse is preparing to analyze a patient's electrocardiogram (ECG) rhythm strip. In which order should the nurse complete this analysis? Place the six steps in the correct order.
  1. Determine rate.
  2. Assess P wave.
  3. Determine regularity.
  4. Identify abnormalities.
  5. Assess P-to-QRS relationship.
  6. Determine interval durations.

Question 6

A male patient had a lipid profile completed at a community health fair, and the nurse is reviewing the results with the patient. (See lipid profile results.) What is the nurse's best response?
  1. The results for cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL are outside the acceptable normal values.
  2. The HDL is elevated, indicating you are at risk for a lipid-associated illness.
  3. The results are within normal range.
  4. The LDL is too low.
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6 years ago
The answer to question 1

Correct Answer: 1
A pathologic S3 is called a ventricular gallop and results from myocardial failure and ventricular volume overload. An S3 sound is not caused by increased resistance to ventricular filling, inflammation of the pericardial sac, or mitral valve stenosis.

The answer to question 2

Correct Answer: 1, 2
Midsystolic murmurs are associated with semilunar valve diseases, such as aortic stenosis, and with hypertrophic cardiomyopathies. Pansystolic (holosystolic) murmurs are heard with AV valve disease and ventricular septal defect. A late systolic murmur is heard with MVP.

The answer to question 3

Correct Answer: 1
The PR interval is normally 0.12 second (up to 0.24 second is considered normal in patients over age 65). PR intervals greater than 0.20 second indicate a delay in conduction from the SA note to the ventricles. The normal duration of a QRS complex is from 0.06 to 0.10 second. QRS complexes greater than 0.10 second indicate delays in transmitting the impulse through the ventricular conduction system. The ST segment, the period from the end of the ARS complex to the beginning of the T wave, should be isoelectric. The ST segment, the period from the end of the ARS complex to the beginning of the T wave, should be isoelectric.

The answer to question 4

Correct Answer: 1
The S2 sound diminishes due to a fall in blood pressure. An accentuated S2 may be heard with HTN, exercise, excitement, and conditions of pulmonary HTN such as CHF and cor pulmonale. S1 diminishes with first-degree heart block, mitral regurgitation, CHF, CAD, and pulmonary or systemic HTN. The nurse should expect a change in the S2 sound.

The answer to question 5

Correct Answer: 1, 3, 2, 5, 6, 4
It is necessary to use a consistent method for ECG analysis. The steps in this process are determining rate, determining regularity, assessing the P wave, assessing the P-to-QRS relationship, determining interval durations, and identifying abnormalities.

The answer to question 6

Correct Answer: 1
Normal lipid values cholesterol less than 200 mg/dL; triglycerides less than 150 mg/dL; HDL greater than 40 mg/dL for a male; LDL less than 100 mg/dL. Results for this patient are outside the acceptable normal values.
ashtin6 Author
6 years ago
All are right
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