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aslocke aslocke
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6 years ago
The nurse is preparing to provide care to a group of assigned patients. Which patient should the nurse realize is at the highest risk for developing cancer?
  1. an African American man
  2. a Native American woman
  3. an Hispanic man
  4. an Hispanic woman

Question 2

A female patient tells the nurse that she does not want to have annual mammograms because the x-rays can cause cancer. How should the nurse respond to this patient?
  1. Breast cancer is the number one type of cancer in females. The risk of developing cancer from the x-rays is considerably lower than the risk of having undiagnosed breast cancer.
  2. I don't blame you. X-rays do cause cancer.
  3. Be sure to do monthly breast exams.
  4. Contact your doctor if you notice any breast changes, feel any lumps, or develop breast pain since these are all symptoms of active breast cancer.

Question 3

The nurse is concerned that a patient is at increased risk for developing cancer. What did the nurse assess to come to this conclusion?
  1. age 51, spouse deceased, downsized from employment, history of back and leg pain
  2. age 52, plays tennis twice a week, no alcohol intake, occasionally smokes a cigarette
  3. age 45, premenopausal, not planning to use hormone replacement therapy
  4. age 50, employed as a computer technician, uses the fitness center five times a week

Question 4

A patient with a history of smoking is diagnosed with cancer. If applying the cellular mutation theory of cancer to this patient's diagnosis, the nurse realizes that smoking impacted which stage?
  1. promotion
  2. initiation
  3. progression
  4. replication

Question 5

A female patient asks the nurse why she needs a procedure to remove part of her cervix that was infected with a virus. What should the nurse explain to this patient?
  1. Human papillomavirus can cause cervical cancer.
  2. The medication to treat this virus is toxic to the body.
  3. If left untreated, it could spread to the liver.
  4. If left untreated, it could spread to the breast.

Question 6

A patient with a history of using recreational cocaine tells the nurse that he would rather be addicted to cocaine than be diagnosed with cancer. What should the nurse respond with to this patient?
  1. Cocaine has been linked to the development of cancer.
  2. I guess if that's what you would prefer.
  3. People who use cocaine do have a lower risk of developing cancer.
  4. As long as the cocaine is pure and not mixed with toxic chemicals.
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6 years ago
The answer to question 1

Correct Answer: 1
African Americans have the highest mortality rate for all cancers and major cancers among all ethnic groups. Cancer incidence and mortality are lower in Native American men and women than in any other ethnic or racial group. Hispanics have higher rates of cancers associated with infectious agents, such as uterine, cervix, liver, and stomach cancer.

The answer to question 2

Correct Answer: 1
The nurse should respond by saying that breast cancer is the number one type of cancer in females and that the risk of developing cancer from x-rays is considerably lower than the risk of having undiagnosed breast cancer. The nurse should not support the patient's belief that x-rays cause cancer. The nurse should instruct the patient to perform monthly breast self-examinations; however, that is not the best response in this situation. Monthly breast examinations should not be used in place of routine mammograms. Breast changes, lumps, and breast pain are not definitive symptoms of breast cancer.

The answer to question 3

Correct Answer: 1
The patient who is 51 with a deceased spouse, downsized from employment, and has a history of back and leg pain is experiencing a great deal of stress. Stress resulting from severe and/or cumulative losses is also implicated in promoting cancer. These losses, which are common to older adults, include the death of a spouse or friends, loss of position and status in society, and a decline in physical abilities. These repeated stressors can damage the immune system that may lead to the development of cancer. The other patients have fewer risk factors for the development of cancer.

The answer to question 4

Correct Answer: 1
The theory of cellular mutation suggests that there are agents that cause mutations in cellular DNA that transforms cells into cancer cells. These agents are called carcinogens and it is believed that the carcinogenic process has three stages: initiation, promotion, and progression. The initiation stage involves permanent damage in the cellular DNA as a result of exposure to a carcinogen that was not repaired or had a defective repair. Promotion may last for years and includes conditions, such as smoking or alcohol use, that act repeatedly on the already affected cells. In the progression stage further inherited changes acquired during the cell replication develop into a cancer. Replication is not a stage in the mutation theory of cancer.

The answer to question 5

Correct Answer: 1
Human papillomavirus has been linked to the development of cervical cancer. The nurse should explain how this could occur and why the patient would benefit from having the procedure to remove the area of the cervix infected with the virus. There is no medication available to treat the human papillomavirus. Untreated human papillomavirus can cause melanoma, cervical, penile, and laryngeal cancer.

The answer to question 6

Correct Answer: 1
Some recreational drugs also are implicated as carcinogens. These include the immunosuppressant promoters of heroin and cocaine. Because of this, cocaine has been linked to the development of cancer, which is what the nurse should respond with to the patient. The nurse should not minimize the patient's comment by replying about references. People who use cocaine do not have a lower risk of developing cancer. There is no evidence that the purity of cocaine prevents the development of cancer.
aslocke Author
6 years ago
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