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Vhansen02 Vhansen02
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6 years ago
The nurse manager is evaluating the use of evidence-based practice guidelines to guide care on a patient care area. Which observations indicate that these guidelines are being used appropriately?
  1. Guidelines are posted on the staff bulletin board in the break room.
  2. A guideline was quoted in a narrative note in a patient's medical record.
  3. A guideline is placed in the Kardex to support the use of a nursing diagnosis for a patient's health problem.
  4. Guidelines are accessed through the clinical documentation system by nurses prior to writing patient care plans.
  5. A guideline was referenced prior to implementing skin care interventions for a patient prone to pressure ulcer formation.

Question 2

The nurse is hired to coordinate care in a community health clinic that opened after the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Which types of care should the nurse expect to provide?
  1. Health promotion
  2. Disease prevention
  3. Chronic disease management
  4. Rehabilitation
  5. Palliative care

Question 3

The nurse is identifying nursing diagnoses for a patient's care. In which order should the nurse complete this process?
  Choice 1. Draw conclusions about the present health status.
  Choice 2. Determine etiologies and categorize problems.
  Choice 3. Cluster cues and identify data gaps.
  Choice 4. Verify the problem or diagnoses.
  Choice 5. Identify significant cues.

Question 4

The nurse would like to do a research project that focuses on vending machine choices that patients prefer. What should the nurse question before proceeding with this research study?
  1. Is the research valid?
  2. Will this promote patient independence?
  3. Is this a project that would add value to the hospital experience?
  4. Does this research contribute to patient care?
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6 years ago
The answer to question 1

Correct Answer: 2, 3, 4, 5

Evidence-based practice guidelines are collections of practical information used to help guide decisions related to specific circumstances. These guidelines help identify appropriate interventions for a given nursing care problem or diagnosis. Quoting a guideline in a nurse's note, placing a copy of a guideline in a Kardex, accessing guidelines through the clinical documentation system, and referencing a guideline before planning skin care interventions indicate appropriate use of the guidelines. Posting a guideline on a bulletin board is not an appropriate use of a guideline.

The answer to question 2

Correct Answer: 1, 2, 3

The ACA will provide access to health care services for more Americans and create new models of care. The profession is well positioned to respond to new demands that emphasize health promotion, disease prevention, and management of chronic disease. Rehabilitation and palliative care are not new models of care that will be provided through a community health clinic.

The answer to question 3

Correct Answer: 5, 3, 1, 2, 4

: When identifying nursing diagnoses, the nurse should interpret the data, identify significant cues, cluster cues and identify data gaps, draw conclusions about the present health status, determine etiologies and categorize problems, and verify the problem or diagnoses.

The answer to question 4

Correct Answer: 4

To be relevant, nursing research must have a goal to improve the care that nurses provide patients. This means that all nurses must consider the researcher role to be integral to nursing practice. Research that does not improve patient care is not appropriate.
Vhansen02 Author
6 years ago
Oh god, I was lost before coming here. Thanksss
6 years ago
Great, make sure you mark the topic solved, it hides it from other eyes Slight Smile
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