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fred213 fred213
Posts: 352
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6 years ago
During assessment of the oral cavity, the nurse notes the presence of swollen gums. The nurse teaches the client about proper oral hygiene in order to assist the client in meeting which outcome?
  1. Reduce risk factors for periodontal disease.
  2. Maintain balanced nutritional intake.
  3. Maintain healthy oral mucous membranes.
  4. Experience a decrease in dental caries.

Question 2

A client with morbid obesity asks about the medication orlistat (Xenical) to help with weight loss. What should the nurse explain about this medication? (Select all that apply.)
  1. Lowers blood glucose
  2. Lowers cholesterol levels
  3. Reduces the absorption of fat
  4. Serves as an appetite suppressant
  5. Highly effective to promote weight loss

Question 3

The nurse is placing a NG tube in an older client with malnutrition. During placement, the client begins to cough. What should the nurse do?
  1. Pause and then continue inserting the tube.
  2. Ask the client to swallow during insertion.
  3. Withdraw the tube.
  4. Check for placement of the tube.

Question 4

The nurse is caring for a client hospitalized for bulimia. The priority for the nurse is to:
  1. force food on the client.
  2. monitor the client for 1 hour after meals.
  3. provide good skin care.
  4. provide distraction during meals.

Question 5

A client with gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding is receiving gastric lavage. For what should the nurse monitor this client?
  1. Bloody stools
  2. Increased urine output
  3. Jaundice
  4. Bright red blood in the gastric return

Question 6

A client with peptic ulcer disease (PUD) who smokes 1 ppd is being discharged home. What teaching about the client's smoking behavior should the nurse provide?
  1. Smoking increases the production of stomach acid.
  2. Smoking decreases intrinsic factor.
  3. Smoking retards the healing process.
  4. Smoking impedes the absorption of food.

Question 7

A client with stomach cancer is beginning oral feedings after having a gastrectomy. The nurse should monitor the client for:
  1. bradycardia.
  2. pallor.
  3. appetite.
  4. orthostatic hypotension.
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6 years ago
The answer to question 1

Answer: 1

1. Swollen gums are a risk factor for periodontal disease.
2. Proper oral hygiene will help maintain a balanced nutritional intake but the assessment finding is more supportive for periodontal disease.
3. Proper oral hygiene will maintain healthy oral mucous membranes but the assessment finding is more supportive for periodontal disease.
4. Proper oral hygiene will decrease cavities but the assessment finding is more supportive for periodontal disease.

The answer to question 2

Answer: 1, 2, 3

1. Orlistat (Xenical) lowers blood glucose.
2. Orlistat (Xenical) reduces cholesterol levels.
3. Orlistat (Xenical) reduces the absorption of fat from the GI tract, leading to weight loss.
4. Orlistat (Xenical) is less effective in promoting weight loss than drugs that suppress the appetite.
5. Orlistat (Xenical) is less effective in promoting weight loss than drugs that suppress the appetite.

The answer to question 3

Answer: 3

1. If the client coughs, the tube is entering the trachea. The nurse should withdraw the tube.
2. The client is asked to swallow during insertion, but coughing means the tube is in the wrong place.
3. Coughing indicates that the tube is in the trachea, and the tube should be immediately withdrawn.
4. Tube placement is not checked, but removed.

The answer to question 4

Answer: 2

1. The nurse never forces treatment on a client.
2. The client with bulimia might have tried to force vomiting or take laxatives after a meal.
3. Skin care is important, but the priority is to ensure that the client does not purge meals.
4. Distraction during meals is irrelevant.

The answer to question 5

Answer: 4

1. The client should be monitored for bloody stools, but the priority is assessing the gastric return.
2. The nurse will monitor for decreased urine output.
3. Jaundice is not associated with GI bleeding.
4. The nurse should monitor and report any bright red blood that is returned during lavage.

The answer to question 6

Answer: 3

1. Smoking does not increase acid production.
2. Decreased intrinsic factor is not caused by smoking.
3. Smoking slows the healing process and increases the risk of relapse.
4. Smoking does not affect food absorption, but can interfere with certain medications.

The answer to question 7

Answer: 4

1. The nurse should monitor the client for dumping syndrome, which includes tachycardia.
2. The client might experience flushing as a sign of dumping syndrome.
3. Appetite is unrelated to dumping syndrome, which begins 5-30 minutes after eating.
4. The client might be systemically affected by experiencing orthostatic hypotension.
fred213 Author
6 years ago
Extremely helpful
6 years ago
Cool, thanks for the positive feedback
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