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anu30 anu30
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6 years ago
During a genital examination, the nurse notices that a male patient has clusters of small vesicles on the glans, surrounded by erythema. The nurse recognizes that these lesions are:
  a. Peyronie disease.
  b. Genital warts.
  c. Genital herpes.
  d. Syphilitic cancer.

Question 2

During a health history, a patient tells the nurse that he has trouble in starting his urine stream. This problem is known as:
  a. Urgency.
  b. Dribbling.
  c. Frequency.
  d. Hesitancy.

Question 3

During an examination, the nurse notices that a male patient has a red, round, superficial ulcer with a yellowish serous discharge on his penis. On palpation, the nurse finds a nontender base that feels like a small button between the thumb and fingers.
  At this point the nurse suspects that this patient has:
  Genital warts.
  Herpes infection.
  Syphilitic chancre.
  Carcinoma lesion.

Question 4

The nurse is providing patient teaching about an erectile dysfunction drug. One of the drug's potential side effects is prolonged, painful erection of the penis without sexual stimulation, which is known as:
  a. Orchitis.
  b. Stricture.
  c. Phimosis.
  d. Priapism.

Question 5

The nurse is performing a genitourinary assessment on a 50-year-old obese male laborer. On examination, the nurse notices a painless round swelling close to the pubis in the area of the internal inguinal ring that is easily reduced
  when the individual is supine. These findings are most consistent with a(n) ______ hernia.
  Direct inguinal
  Indirect inguinal

Question 6

A 55-year-old man is experiencing severe pain of sudden onset in the scrotal area. It is somewhat relieved by elevation. On examination the nurse notices an enlarged, red scrotum that is very tender to palpation.
  Distinguishing the epididymis from the testis is difficult, and the scrotal skin is thick and edematous. This description is consistent with which of these?
  Testicular torsion

Question 7

The nurse is inspecting the scrotum and testes of a 43-year-old man. Which finding would require additional follow-up and evaluation?
  a. Skin on the scrotum is taut.
  b. Left testicle hangs lower than the right testicle.
  c. Scrotal skin has yellowish 1-cm nodules that are firm and nontender.
  d. Testes move closer to the body in response to cold temperatures.

Question 8

When the nurse is performing a testicular examination on a 25-year-old man, which finding is considered normal?
  a. Nontender subcutaneous plaques
  b. Scrotal area that is dry, scaly, and nodular
  c. Testes that feel oval and movable and are slightly sensitive to compression
  d. Single, hard, circumscribed, movable mass, less than 1 cm under the surface of the testes
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6 years ago
The answer to question 1

Genital herpes, or herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2), infections are indicated with clusters of small vesicles with surrounding erythema, which are often painful and erupt on the glans or foreskin.

The answer to question 2

Hesitancy is trouble in starting the urine stream. Urgency is the feeling that one cannot wait to urinate. Dribbling is the last of the urine before or after the main act of urination. Frequency is urinating more often than usual.

The answer to question 3

This lesion indicates syphilitic chancre, which begins within 2 to 4 weeks of infection.

The answer to question 4

Priapism is prolonged, painful erection of the penis without sexual desire. Orchitis is inflammation of the testes. Stricture is a narrowing of the opening of the urethral meatus. Phimosis is the inability to retract the foreskin.

The answer to question 5

Direct inguinal hernias occur most often in men over the age of 40 years. It is an acquired weakness brought on by heavy lifting, obesity, chronic cough, or ascites. The direct inguinal hernia is usually a painless, round swelling close to the pubis in the area of the internal inguinal ring that is easily reduced when the individual is supine.

The answer to question 6

Epididymitis presents as severe pain of sudden onset in the scrotum that is somewhat relieved by elevation. On examination, the scrotum is enlarged, reddened, and exquisitely tender. The epididymis is enlarged and indurated and may be hard to distinguish from the testis. The overlying scrotal skin may be thick and edematous.

The answer to question 7

Scrotal swelling may cause the skin to be taut and to display pitting edema. Normal scrotal skin is rugae, and asymmetry is normal with the left scrotal half usually lower than the right. The testes may move closer to the body in response to cold temperatures.

The answer to question 8

Testes normally feel oval, firm and rubbery, smooth, and bilaterally equal and are freely movable and slightly tender to moderate pressure. The scrotal skin should not be dry, scaly, or nodular or contain subcutaneous plaques. Any mass would be an abnormal finding.
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