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pippi713713 pippi713713
Posts: 344
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6 years ago
252 randomly sampled college students were asked, among other things, to estimate their college grade point average (GPA).
  The responses are shown in the stem-and-leaf plot shown below. Notice that a GPA of 3.65 would be indicated with a stem of 36 and a leaf of 5 in the plot. How many of the students who responded had GPA's that exceeded 3.55?

Q. 2

If A and B are mutually exclusive events, then P(A  B ) = 0.
  A) True B) False

Q. 3

The conditional probability of event A given that event B has occurred is written as P(B  A).
  A) True B) False

Q. 4

A histogram can be constructed using either class frequencies or class relative frequencies as the heights of the bars.
  A) True B) False

Q. 5

Suppose that 62 of the employees at a company are male and that 35 of the employees just received merit raises.
  If 20 of the employees are male and received a merit raise, what is the probability that a randomly chosen employee is male or received a merit raise?

Q. 6

A Pareto diagram is a pie chart where the slices are arranged from largest to smallest in a counterclockwise direction.
  A) True B) False

Q. 7

Based on past experience, Josh believes that the probability of catching a red snapper is .21 and the probability of catching a fish that weighs less than 5 pounds is .45.
  Is enough information available to find the probability of catching a red snapper or a fish that weighs less than 5 pounds? Explain. If possible, find the probability of catching a red snapper or a fish that weighs less than 5 pounds.

Q. 8

A recent article in the paper claims that business ethics are at an all-time low. Reporting on a recent sample, the paper claims that 37 of all employees believe their company president possesses low ethical standards.
  Suppose 20 of a company's employees are randomly and independently sampled. Assuming the paper's claim is correct, find the probability that more than eight but fewer than 12 of the 20 sampled believe the company's president possesses low ethical standards. Round to six decimal places.
  A) 0.182165 B) 0.462968 C) 0.269668 D) 0.378753


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6 years ago
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