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leahx3 leahx3
Posts: 592
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6 years ago
Compared to enteral nutrition, parenteral nutrition:
 a. carries a greater risk of complications.
  b. is less expensive.
  c. can be used for longer periods of time.
  d. requires hospitalization.

Q. 2

Discuss why protein is important and when higher protein intake may be recommended.

Q. 3

Which of the following statements is true regarding the administration of medications to patients who are tube fed?
 a. Medications should be given by mouth when possible.
  b. All medications should be crushed before placing them in the feeding tube.
  c. Place the patient in a prone position before administering medications.
  d. Give all medications before flushing the feeding tube.

Q. 4

In the home, how should parents apply the concept of treating the child as a child first?

Q. 5

Before discontinuing a tube feeding, the patient's oral intake should meet about _____ of estimated nutrient needs.
 a. 1/3
  b. 1/2
  c. 3/4
  d. 2/3

Q. 6

Discuss why some children with special needs have more difficulty meeting the DRI for vitamins and minerals.

Q. 7

Which of the following statements regarding transitioning from tube feeding to an oral diet is correct?
 a. The patient must begin the transition by consuming the formula she has been receiving as an oral supplement.
  b. The transition should be made all at once.
  c. The patient shifts to an oral diet as the formula's volume is gradually decreased.
  d. Oral intake should be about 1/3 of estimated nutrient needs when the tube feeding is discontinued.

Q. 8

What is type 1 diabetes and how it is managed?

Q. 9

Estimate the fluid needs of a 70-year-old female who weighs 110 pounds.
 a. 1000 mL
  b. 1500 mL
  c. 3000 mL
  d. 1050 mL
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6 years ago
Answer to #1


Answer to #2

Protein is crucial for wound healing and for maintaining a healthy immune system; it is also a key requirement for various conditions with frequent illnesses or surgeries. Higher protein may be recommended for wound healing and the prevention of skin breakdown while in a cast after surgery. Additionally, healing burns and CF are examples of disorders with high protein needs.

Answer to #3


Answer to #4

Whatever special foods or dietary supplements required should be in forms suitable for the child's developmental level, such as liquid supplemental calcium instead of chewable tablets. As soon as possible, children should be taught to take responsibility for making food choices consistent with their dietary plans. Consistency and structure in the home support a child's normal development. This structure includes regular meal and snack times, and the child accepting increasing levels of responsibility in preparing foods.

Answer to #5


Answer to #6

Children with chronic conditions may have more difficulty meeting the DRI as a result of the following considerations:
- Eating or feeding problems may restrict intake of foods requiring chewing, such as meats, so that certain minerals usually contributed in meats may be low.
- Prescribed medications and their side effects can increase turnover for specific nutrients, raising the recommended amount needed.
- Food refusals are common with recurrent illness, so total intake may be more variable day to day than in other children of the same age.
- Treatment of the condition necessitates specific food and nutrient restrictions, so that vitamins and minerals usually provided in restricted foods have to be supplemented.

Answer to #7


Answer to #8

Type 1 diabetes is related to immune function and results in virtually no insulin production. Children with type 1 diabetes have both high and low blood sugars, not just high blood sugars, as in type 2 diabetes. Increasingly, children with type 1 diabetes mellitus are managed with insulin pumps set to inject small amounts of insulin continuously and in response to meals.

Answer to #9

leahx3 Author
6 years ago
Ready for finals now Monkey
6 years ago
Good luck my friend!
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