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reachmegha.in reachmegha.in
Posts: 331
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6 years ago
During a disciplinary interview between the manager and the employee, the manager:
 a. must end on a serious note.
 b. needs to separate the behavior from the employee.
 c. must first state the problem and then allow for rapport building.
 d. must be prepared to face aggressive behavior from the employee.

Q. 2

The formal first step in employee discipline is:
 a. the verbal warning.
 b. creating awareness that a problem exists.
 c. an investigation into the problem.
 d. coaching the employee.

Q. 3

Progressive discipline is usually carried out:
 a. in conjunction with coaching.
 b. with guidance from a human resource specialist.
 c. only when a policy and procedure guide is available.
 d. after problem behavior has been identified and coaching has not resolved the problem.

Q. 4

Which is true regarding procedures?
 a. They should be clear and complete enough to serve as guidelines.
 b. Smaller companies need more detailed procedures than larger companies.
 c. They should be as detailed and complex as possible.
 d. Time frames are irrelevant.

Q. 5

Which of the following is not a step in the procedure for employee discipline and termination?
 a. probation
 b. suspension
 c. termination
 d. verbal warning

Q. 6

The statement of purpose is:
 a. indistinguishable from the policy statement.
 b. a step-by-step outline of what should happen.
 c. an explanation of the intended use of the policy.
 d. a declaration of what the organization's official position is.

Q. 7

An optional component of the policy that lists who is impacted by the policy is called the:
 a. concept.
 b. procedure.
 c. scope.
 d. purpose.

Q. 8

Which of the following is not true regarding the policy and procedure for written discipline?
 a. It builds in protection for the organization and the manager.
 b. It is available to employees only when their organization has a handbook.
 c. It is written to ensure some degree of consistency among the managers who use it.
 d. It guarantees the rights of the employee.
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