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CyrilC1014 CyrilC1014
Posts: 98
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6 years ago
What is the relationship between Gestalt psychology and Gestalt therapy?
  a. They are the same thing.
  b. Gestalt psychology is based on Gestalt therapy.
  c. Gestalt therapy has to do with perception and cognition and Gestalt psychology deals with personality, psychopathology, and counseling.
  d. There is no relationship at all.
  e. Gestalt therapists see close kinship between Gestalt psychology and Gestalt therapy; Gestalt psychologists often deny any meaningful similarity.

Q. 2

What theorist is most associated with Gestalt psychotherapy?
  a. Anthony Gestalt
  b. Fritz Perls
  c. Otto Rank
  d. Rollo May
  e. Carl Jung

Q. 3

How does healing occur in Gestalt therapy?
  a. The counselor models a healthy relationship and the client eventually generalizes it to his or her outside life.
  b. Split-off parts of the self and the world are re-integrated so that our natural tendency toward equilibrium can guide us.
  c. The counselor interprets the clients situation and helps the client figure out what to do.
  d. The client is encouraged to get in touch with his or her values and work toward congruence of values and lifestyle.
  e. The client examines cognitive processes and gets in touch with thinking errors that can then be corrected.

Q. 4

In Gestalt theory, what happens when through life experience we discover that some parts of ourselves are unacceptable?
  a. They are naturally integrated through social contact.
  b. Therapy provides us the avenue for healing.
  c. We generally work to change those parts.
  d. We fragment ourselves and deny that part of ourselves, leaving us less than whole.
  e. Our family of origin gives us the strength to accept those parts of us that we disdain.

Q. 5

According to Gestalt psychotherapy, people have problems because
  a. they have not been living an authentic life.
  b. unconscious physiological drives are constantly at odds with societal expectations.
  c. they are cut off from parts of themselves that they need for wholeness, integration, and balance.
  d. most are unable to negotiate the medical challenges they are faced with.
  e. they do not know who they are and what their lifes work is to be.

Q. 6

What did Fritz Perls say about counselors use of questions?
  a. Through questioning, counselors can help clients see their own behavior more clearly.
  b. Reflections of feelings and repeating key words are more effective and less intrusive than asking questions.
  c. He discouraged the use of questions because the burden of recognition and action is on the counselor.
  d. Questions usually have a right answer, thus influencing the client too much.
  e. Questions are too intrusive into whatever process the client is already going through.

Q. 7

What criticisms have been leveled against existential approaches to psychotherapy?
  What will be an ideal response?

Q. 8

What were the four benefits of group therapy listed by May and Yalom?
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2 Replies

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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Answer: e

Answer to #2

Answer: b

Answer to #3

Answer: b

Answer to #4

Answer: d

Answer to #5

Answer: c

Answer to #6

Answer: a

Answer to #7

 The theories do not address biological etiologies of mental distress.
 It is difficult to measure outcomes of existential counseling and, therefore, difficult to assess effectiveness of the services.
 There is some question as to whether these forms of counseling are appropriate for all cultural and ethnic groups.

Answer to #8

1. Clients learn how their behavior is viewed by others.
2. Clients learn how their behavior makes others feel.
3. Clients learn how their behavior creates opinions others have of them.
4. Clients learn how their behavior influences their opinion of themselves.
CyrilC1014 Author
6 years ago
Thank you for helping me throughout this difficult semester
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