Rating scales are subjective and the evaluation or assessment is based on the rater's inner judgment and can be filled with biases.
a. True
b. False
Q. 2It is unusual to find one conducting an observation of an individual that includes both event and time sampling.
a. True
b. False
Q. 3Which of the following is NOT true relative to the practicality of informal assessment techniques?
a. They are low-cost or cost-free.
b. They can be created or obtained in a short amount of time.
c. They are relatively easy to administer.
d. They are fairly easy to interpret.
e. They are cross-culturally free of bias.
Q. 4In which of the following does cross-cultural fairness impact informal assessment techniques?
a. Use of more objective measures, such as numerical scales and Likert scales, mitigates concerns of crosscultural fairness when using informal assessment techniques.
b. Due to unconscious or conscious bias, an examiner, observer, or rater may misinterpret the verbal or nonverbal behaviors of a minority client.
c. Because informal assessment procedures are developed by the examiner, they are less prone to cross-cultural bias.
d. Cross-cultural issues are not particularly relevant to informal assessment techniques. e. None of these
Q. 5A school psychologist is asked to observe the behaviors of a student. She is concerned that inappropriate has not been clearly defined, and if she will be the only individual observing this student, her analysis could be compromised. This concern is mostly related to which of the following?
a. How valid the observation will be
b. The reliability of the observation
c. Cross-cultural issues related to the observation
d. How practical it is for him to view the situation
Q. 6A school psychologist is asked to observe the acting out behaviors of a student. He is concerned, however, that acting out has not been clearly defined. His concern is justified, as it relates the strongest to which of the following?
a. How valid the observation will be
b. The reliability of the observation
c. Cross-cultural issues related to the observation
d. How practical it is for him to view the situation
Q. 7Two expert raters are trained to rate the ability of graduate students to use different kinds of questions when gathering information. After three weeks of training, their interrater reliability is .60. These raters:
a. have achieved high interrater reliability.
b. have a way to go before they are proficient at rating.
c. need to make the definitions of the use of questions a little more vague so their ratings will improve. d. None of these are true.
Q. 8Which of the following is NOT true about portfolio assessments?
a. They may include comments from teachers or supervisors.
b. They are considered a paper project.
c. Validity can be improved by linking items to competencies or standards.
d. They should be graded with a rubric or similar scoring system.