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Nova14689 Nova14689
Posts: 16
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12 years ago
Does anybody have a sample measuring photosynthesis in spinach leaves report to use as a guideline for writing my own?

Introduction:  Define photosynthesis.

Explain the variables that can influence rate of photosynthesis.
Then explain the objectives of the experiment. Hypothesis statement

Materials and Methods

Results: Including: The data (Table 2), a graph (with the “conditions” on the x-axis and “% of disks floating” on the y-axis.) AND a summary of the results IN WORDS

Discussion – Interpretation; explain your results

Conclusion – here is where you mention whether or not you hypothesis was supported by your experimental results.  Also, state the overall outcome of the experiment in one sentence.
Source  Cambell Biology: Concepts and Connections-Photosynthesis
Read 3060 times

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