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jk56 jk56
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6 years ago
An older patient develops rapid, shallow respirations, with retraction of the respiratory muscles. What will the nurse do first to improve this patient's ineffective breathing pattern?
  A) Administer oxygen
  B) Prevent a respiratory infection
  C) Keep the nasal passages patent
  D) Raise the bed at least 30

Question 2

A patient, age 46, reports to his physician's office with urticaria and papules on his hands and arms. He says, It itches so badly. In assessing the patient, the nurse should gather data regarding recent
  a. travel to foreign countries.
  b. upper respiratory tract infection.
  c. changes in medication.
  d. contact with people who have an infectious disease.

Question 3

An older patient with a terminal illness is extremely thin and is prescribed to use oxygen via a face mask at home. Which is the priority nursing consideration to ensure the patient's oxygenation needs are met?
  A) Ensure a tight seal around the face mask.
  B) Maintain the patency of the nasal passages.
  C) Observe the patient for signs of pneumonia.
  D) Educate the family about risks of oxygen use.

Question 4

Hospital management is reviewing departmental statistics. Which of the following departments most likely has the highest death rate of patients over age 65, and why?
  A) Oncology, because the elderly have been exposed to more carcinogens in their long lifetimes
  B) Cardiology, because, despite a decline in recent years, heart disease remains the number one cause of death among the elderly
  C) Endocrinology, because the elderly already have compromised immune systems
  D) Neurology, because stroke and Alzheimer's disease together cause more deaths of the elderly than any other conditions

Question 5

An older patient with asthma is prescribed an inhaler. What health problem will the nurse suspect impacts the patient's ability to comply with this prescribed treatment?
  A) Severe arthritis
  B) Type 2 diabetes
  C) Macular degeneration
  D) Ventricular tachycardia

Question 6

Which of the following patient histories is most likely for a person older than 65 years of age?
  A) In the last year, Patient F has been treated for a skin rash, a sprained ankle, and influenza
  B) Patient G takes medications daily for arthritis pain relief and reduction of blood pressure levels
  C) Patient H complains of chronic fatigue, stress-related allergies, and acid reflux after meals
  D) Patient I has been to the emergency room three times in the past year for ear infections and allergy attacks

Question 7

A patient has an erythematous patch of vesicles on her scalp, and she complains of pain and pruritus. A diagnosis of tinea capitis is made. The causative organism is
  a. bacterium.
  b. virus.
  c. worm.
  d. fungus.

Question 8

A patient who is prescribed deep breathing and coughing every hour has a nonproductive cough and is easily fatigued. What can the nurse do to increase the patient's secretions?
  A) Have the patient blow the nose.
  B) Encourage the patient to rest for 30 minutes.
  C) Provide the patient with aerosol medication.
  D) Give the patient a piece of hard candy to eat.
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Although any of these interventions may be appropriate at one point or another, raising the bed is the most immediate, effective intervention. The nurse will need to receive an order from the physician for oxygen. Preventing infection and keeping nasal passages patent are not going to help the patient who is experiencing respiratory distress.

Answer to #2

Urticaria is the term applied to the presence of wheals or hives in an allergic reaction commonly caused by drugs, food, insect bites, inhalants, emotional stress, or exposure to heat or cold.

Answer to #3

If the patient is emaciated, a face mask may leak. The proper administration is the first consideration and would supersede family education and potential pneumonia. Nasal passages need not necessarily remain patent with the use of a face mask.

Answer to #4

Heart disease is the leading cause of death among persons 65 years of age and older.

Answer to #5

The patient is required to manipulate the inhaler, coordinating the spray with inhaling, which can be affected by severe arthritis in the hands. Diabetes would not impact the patient's ability to comply with this treatment. Macular degeneration might impact the patient's ability to comply with this treatment but arthritis would be a greater influence. Ventricular tachycardia would not impact the patient's ability to comply with the prescribed treatment.

Answer to #6

Arthritis and heart conditions are among the most common chronic conditions of the elderly. Daily medications to reduce arthritis pain and decrease blood pressure are common. The other histories are more likely for younger patients.

Answer to #7

Tinea capitis is commonly known as ringworm of the scalp. Microsporum audouinii is the major fungal pathogen.

Answer to #8

Hard candy and other sweets increase secretions, thereby helping make the cough productive. Blowing the nose, resting, or using aerosol medication will not help increase secretions.
jk56 Author
6 years ago
6 years ago
no worries, happy to help out
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