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calig45 calig45
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6 years ago
A nurse in a long-term care facility has noticed that many residents of the facility spend a large amount of time in bed yet frequently complain of fatigue and sleep deprivation.
  What change in the facility's environment is most conducive with helping residents achieve adequate amounts of restful sleep?
  A) Keeping the lights at a consistent, low level throughout the day and night
  B) Allowing residents to awake/sleep according to their own routines
  C) Maintaining the facility at a temperature of 78F to 80F during the night
  D) Checking on each resident every 2 hours during the night to ensure safety

Question 2

A nurse plans the care for an older adult man who consumes two alcoholic beverages each evening. Which of the following should be included in the plan of care?
  A) Allow for a later bedtime.
  B) Encourage the client to cease all alcohol intake.
  C) Monitor for nocturnal awakenings.
  D) Watch for an increased rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.

Question 3

A nurse is responsible for the care of group of older adults on an acute medical unit. Which of the following clients should the nurse monitor closely at night for worsening symptomatology?
  A) A client with a diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  B) A client with diagnoses of osteoarthritis and failure to thrive
  C) A client with a diagnosis of foot cellulitis secondary to diabetic neuropathy
  D) A client with chronic anemia receiving transfusions of packed red blood cells

Question 4

A nurse monitors older adults at an assisted living facility for pressure ulcers. Which of the following older adult is at highest risk for a pressure ulcer?
  A) The obese older adult with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) mask
  B) The frail older adult with a hearing aid
  C) The older adult undergoing therapy for a weak hand
  D) The older adult preparing to walk a half marathon

Question 5

A nurse assesses residents of the acute care facility for pressure ulcers. Which older adult should the nurse monitor closely for pressure ulcers?
  A) The Asian with multiple nevi on extremities
  B) The Ethiopian former store clerk
  C) The fair-skinned Caucasian woman
  D) The wrinkled face Hispanic ranch worker

Question 6

A nurse assesses older adults at risk for pressure ulcers. Which of the following assessment tools should the nurse use to identify those who might benefit from interventions? (Select all that apply.)
  A) Braden Scale
  B) Norton Scale
  C) PUSH Scale
  D) Reverse staging
  E) Waterloo Scale
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Ans: B
It is important not to schedule the time for awakening clients/residents based on the most efficient use of nursing and dietary time that require clients/residents to adjust their sleep routines accordingly. Lighting should be bright during the day and dark at night in order to foster normal circadian rhythms. A temperature of 78F to 80F during the night is likely too warm to promote restful sleep. Safety concerns are not related to the issue of adequate sleep.

Answer to #2

Ans: C
Alcohol consumption is associated with both initial drowsiness and increased numbers of awakenings during the night, as well as overall decreases in both total sleep time and REM sleep. Individuals who are accustomed to the depressant effect of alcohol are prone to insomnia once they stop consuming it.

Answer to #3

Ans: A
The symptoms of individuals with COPD are often exacerbated during sleep, because of both positioning and decreased oxygen saturation that occurs during sleep. Clients with osteoarthritis, cellulitis, or anemia would not be as likely to have increased symptoms at night.

Answer to #4

Ans: A
Medical devices that are commonly associated with increased risk for pressure ulcers include masks, orthotics, tubing, immobilizers, stockings or boots, nasogastric tubes, cervical collars or braces, and tracheostomy tubes and ties. People who are unable to move around independently are at high risk for pressure ulcers, not those who move and participate in physical activities.

Answer to #5

Ans: B
Persons with darkly pigmented skin have a higher incidence of serious pressure ulcers. Nevi, sun exposure, and fail skin are related to cancer, not pressure ulcers.

Answer to #6

Ans: A, B, E
Braden Scale has been recommended for identifying older adults who are at risk for the development of pressure ulcers. The Norton and Waterloo scales are also commonly used, with reviews of studies indicating that all three of these scales can help identify clients at risk for pressure ulcers. PUSH is a staging system, which rates current pressure ulcers, and reverse staging is not a recommended practice.
calig45 Author
6 years ago
Commenting just to show my support for informative posts like this, keep it up 10/10
6 years ago
That helps more than you thinks, thanks for being so thoughtful
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