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alis alis
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6 years ago
Which of the following considerations point to the need for a new system? Select all that apply.
  1. Poor performance
  2. Frequent down times
  3. Up to date programming language
  4. No vendor support
  5. Outmoded technology

Question 2

Nurses with information technology experience are in greater demand as more organizations incorporate the use of the electronic health record and computerized order entry.
  Which of the following are considered skills and/or competencies for nurses to develop to prepare for the changes in health care? Select all that apply. 1. Collaboration and communication
  2. Organizational and interpersonal skills
  3. Ability to review, critique, and evaluate evidence available through clinical practice guidelines and research
  4. Aptitude for translating clinical practice recommendations into algorithms
  5. Proficiency to disseminate research findings

Question 3

Data integrity is crucial to the success of professional nursing practice. Which of the following phrases identifies its relevance to quality care?
  1. Data integrity provides a systematic approach to the care of the patient.
  2. The use of authentic data ensures mistakes are avoided.
  3. All data entered into the system are accurate.
  4. Data integrity is a driving force in treatment decision making.

Question 4

Explain what is meant by this statement of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons: Societal needs for medical health care have both quantitative and qualitative perspectives.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 5

A large portion of ongoing maintenance is related to technical and ____________________ issues.
  Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Question 6

With the adoption of the electronic health record and importance of technology, there is a need for nurses with technology experience. What are the two ways nurses can specialize in informatics?
  1. Complete a BSN
  2. RN with experience as a super user
  3. A nurse with a graduate degree in informatics
  4. Operating room nurse who is on the technology committee
  5. A BSN nurse who completes a certificate in web based design

Question 7

No agreement exists among health care groups in the United States regarding a common electronic data interchange (EDI) standard. This statement is true because of which of the following?
  1. Experts have not yet finished the discussion phase leading to an agreement.
  2. There is an agreement among health care groups because there is no need for a common EDI.
  3. Agreements are part of the national health care reform initiative.
  4. Health groups have isolated databases while working toward unification.
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Rationale: If the system is not functioning in a way to improve performance, then a review of the system should be undergone by relevant personnel.

Answer to #2

Rationale: -Ability to articulate the vision for clinical workflow through technology that benefits patient care

Answer to #3

Rationale: Data, itself, does not provide an approach to patient care, but guides the nurse and health care team in decision making.

Answer to #4

Quantitative means that the appropriate number, type, and mix of physicians, nurses, or other health-care professionals are available. Qualitative needs have to do with the adequacy of the professionals' knowledge, skills, attitudes, and willingness to assume the roles needed by diverse societies. Professional competencies needed by population groups are often culturally specific responses to societal needs, social determinants of health, and the burden of illness.

Answer to #5

Rationale : A large portion of ongoing maintenance is related to technical and equipment issues. During the planning phase, committee members should consider the role of technical support personnel.
Global Rationale:

Cognitive Level: Understanding
Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment
Client Need Sub: Management of Care
Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Communication and Documentation
Learning Outcome:

Answer to #6

Rationale: The BSN is an important credential but the curriculum does not focus on an informatics specialist. The graduate is considered a generalist.

Answer to #7

Rationale: EDI streamlines the flow of clinical and financial data from one location to another. EDI is the communication of data in binary code from one computer to another. As the number of automated client record systems increases, so does the need to establish standard record structure and identifiers for individual data items to facilitate data exchange. Presently, no agreement exists among health care groups in the United States regarding a common EDI standard.
alis Author
6 years ago
Ready for finals now Monkey
6 years ago
Good luck my friend!
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