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Blahbahl Blahbahl
Posts: 367
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6 years ago
While explaining the importance of developing leadership skills among nurses to a group of first-year nursing students, Natalie, a nursing unit manager, emphasizes that:
  a. Most nurses are not expected to assume leadership roles.
  b. The role of nurse leadership is only at the bedside, ensuring that patient care is performed according to established standards.
  c. Only individuals in formal leadership roles are expected to be leaders.
  d. The public depends on nurses to assume leadership in moving consumer advocacy concerns forward.

Question 2

The Sunny Long-Term Care Facility has experienced numerous difficulties with staff relationships, despite its success in maintaining financial viability and judicious use of resources.
  Staff members complain that the primary concerns of the facility include applying policy, saving money, and ensuring that lawsuits are avoided. There is little trust in, and involvement of, staff members. This facility may be:
  a. Well managed and well led.
  b. Overly managed and not well led.
  c. Poorly managed and well led.
  d. Overly led and overly managed.

Question 3

Becky graduated five years ago and is keenly interested in pursuing leadership opportunities.
  She has been active in learning about leadership through workshops and Internet research and recently began a graduate degree program with a focus on nursing administration. She has excellent clinical skills and eagerly accepts responsibility for various projects on the unit. Her sarcastic and sometimes aggressive behavior tends to alienate other staff members on the unit. In coaching Becky, you:
  a. Suggest that she reflect on situations in which she has had a positive influence and consider how her interactions contributed to the situation.
  b. Suggest that she not consider leadership roles because her interaction skills are more suited to roles in which she has limited opportunities to work with others.
  c. Ask staff members on the unit with whom she works to provide her feedback about ways in which her behavior irritates or turns them away.
  d. Encourage her to continue her graduate courses, as information about strategies and technical aspects of the role will compensate for negative interactions.

Question 4

John is interested in leadership positions within his nursing organization.
  Al-though he has been on the same unit for 10 years, he has attended two workshops during that time and has steadfastly refused opportunities to engage in leadership development opportunities or other learning offered as part of the hospital's succession planning strategy. He says that he is interested in a leadership role primarily because it will give him a more stable work schedule and will enable him to spend more time with his family. In coaching John, it would be important to:
  a. Affirm that his years of service and stability on the unit are the most important attributes for assumption of a leadership role.
  b. Reinforce that his concern with maintaining balance outside work would be a key factor in selecting him for a leadership position.
  c. Encourage him to consider the financial rewards of the position, as well as the positive effect on his work schedule.
  d. Encourage him to seek out new experiences and learning that will complement his existing strengths derived from experience and his interest in life-work balance.

Question 5

A nurse executive who considers herself a Baby Boomer will have the challenge of convincing the emerging workforce of the necessity of committee meetings.
  One of the primary reasons that the Baby Boom generation appears to have so many meetings in the work environment is that:
  a. They feel more comfortable in a group.
  b. They find that the journey to the solution is as important as the solution itself.
  c. They were deprived of collective action opportunities in the past and now feel that solutions are better when many people have input.
  d. Baby Boomers are aging and need the respite from work that meetings offer, so they can recuperate from the physical demands of the work environment.
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

The complexity of nursing and the healthcare environment demands that all nurses assume roles of manager, leader, and follower, depending on the situation. Nurses are involved in providing leadership in direct patient care, in leading others at a unit or organizational level, in moving the profession forward, and in participating in legislative and policy arenas. Consumers depend on nursing leadership to carry the healthcare agenda forward.

Answer to #2

This organization is concerned primarily with coordination of resources, application of current policy, and economic issues connected to the present. These behaviors are consistent with the management role. There is little evidence that the organization displays leadership, which involves trust, belief, hope, and vision.

Answer to #3

Leadership involves radiating positive energy and the ability to inspire and motivate others. Management can be taught through formal instruction, but leadership is attained through reflection on rich personal experience.

Answer to #4

According to Covey, effective leaders continually engage in learning and self-renewal, as well as in maintaining a balanced life, radiating positive energy, believing in other people, being concerned with the common good, and being synergistic.

Answer to #5

Baby Boomers mistrust authority and trust in collective action, based on successes with social movements in their formative years.
Blahbahl Author
6 years ago
Thanks a whole bunch, all were right.
6 years ago
Thanks for confirming...
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