What evidence is there that the legal definition of alcohol intoxication (a blood alcohol content of 0.08)
should be changed?
A) Few people show any impairment at this blood alcohol level.
B) Judgment becomes impaired long before this blood alcohol level is reached.
C) Most alcohol-related accidents occur at much higher blood alcohol levels.
D) Most alcohol-related accidents occurs at much lower blood alcohol levels.
Question 2Elena binges on high calorie foods and then makes herself throw up. She feels terribly ashamed and
horrified by what she does. You would predict
A) she will not stop because her vomiting is reinforced by anxiety reduction.
B) she will stop because her vomiting is being punished by the feelings of disgust and shame.
C) she will stop making herself throw up because she is ashamed and distressed.
D) she will not stop because she has become physiologically addicted to vomiting.
Question 3What is are the three components of fear?
What will be an ideal response?
Question 4What is aversion therapy? Explain and provide an example of how it might be used. ______
Fill in the blanks with correct word
Question 5The effects of early social deprivation
A) are explained differently by the various psychosocial perspectives.
B) can't be explained by psychosocial theories.
C) are not seen when physical needs are adequately met.
D) have not been well-established.
Question 6Anxiety disorders
A) exist only in technologically advanced cultures.
B) are especially prevalent in Japan, where strong pressures exist to compete and succeed.
C) involve different causal factors in different cultures.
D) probably exist in all societies, but take different forms in different cultures.
Question 7Someone who binges and purges and is severely underweight is diagnosed as anorexic, not bulimic. This is
A) bingeing and purging are not considered very important symptoms.
B) they will eventually stop bingeing and purging and start fasting.
C) anorexia is considered the more reliable diagnosis.
D) anorexia has a much higher death rate than bulimia.
Question 8What is tardive dyskinesia? ______
Fill in the blanks with correct word