What was a significant characteristic of Alfred Adler's approach to psychotherapy?
a. Adler focused on exploring and altering maladaptive lifestyles.
b. Adler used homework and modeling as ways to help clients become aware of their lifestyle.
c. Adler focused more on the social and relational aspects of psychopathology and less on intrapsychic conflicts.
d. all of the above
Question 2Which of the following is not one of the four executive functions described in
Barkley's model?
a. Prolongation/working memory
b. Self-regulation of affect/motivation/arousal
c. Reconstitution
d. Effective attention/communication
e. Internalization of speech
Question 3The unique approach initiated by Halstead for the diagnosis of neurological difficulties was
a. using a tachistoscope.
b. using a battery of tests of different functions.
c. using paraprofessionals to administer measures.
d. al of the above
Question 4Why is it important to attempt to improve an observation's ecological validity?
a. Greater ecological validity can help clinicians design treatment programs that can be more easily implemented in home, school, or work environments.
b. It is important that clinicians be aware of everyone's carbon footprint.
c. The greater the ecological validity, the more sophisticated the diagnosis.
d. all of the above
Question 5In order to improve informal observation methods, clinicians should
a. lengthen the first interview session to facilitate the sharing of anecdotal information.
b. consult with other clinicians about information obtained during early interviews.
c. observe overt behaviors and place greater emphasis on them during the interview.
d. focus on establishing a diagnosis as quickly as possible.