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ratus ratus
Posts: 361
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6 years ago

The following scatterplot compares the selling price and the appraised value.
   Is there a linear relationship between these two variables? If so, how would you characterize the relationship?

Q. 2

There are two scatterplots shown below. The first chart shows the relationship between the size of the home and the selling price. The second chart examines the relationship between the number of bedrooms in the home and its selling price. Which of these two variables (the size of the home or the number of bedrooms) seems to have the stronger relationship with the homes selling price? Justify your answer.

Q. 3

Researchers are conducting a review of the war against poverty in the latter half of the twentieth century. As part of their analysis, the proportion of Americans under the age of 18 who lived below the poverty line for each of the years 1959 through 2000 is used to generate the following time series plot.
  How successful was the United States in its efforts to win the war against poverty for the nations children during this time period?

Q. 4

92. A think tank of economists is interested in how the distribution of family income has changed in Country X during the last 20 years. The summary measures and histograms shown below are generated for a sample of 500 family incomes, using the 1997 and 2017 income for each family in the sample.


   Summary Measures (in thousands of dollars):

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