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nickelgurl24 nickelgurl24
6 years ago
The Truman Doctrine was a pledge by President Harry S. Truman to do which of the following?
  a. support countries that are essential to U.S. economic interests even if they violate human rights
  b. aid people around the world who are hungry or need medical care
  c. support free people who are fighting to help neighboring countries become free
  d. support free people who are resisting subjugation attempts

Question -2-

The military phase of the war on terrorism began in 2001 with Operation Enduring Freedom, which was the name given to the invasion of which of the following countries?
  a. Iraq
  b. Afghanistan
  c. Vietnam
  d. Libya

Question -3-

Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic were admitted to NATO in 1998, which was notable for which of the following reasons?
  a. Other NATO countries objected strongly, since the democracies were so new.
  b. They presented a huge security risk to NATO.
  c. NATO usually did not accept Western European countries that were so poor.
  d. They were the first Eastern European countries to be admitted to NATO.

Question -4-

What was the justification for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010? What are some of the provisions of the Act? What role did past presidents play in providing national health care?
  What will be an ideal response?

Question -5-

How do health care costs as a percentage of GDP relate to life expectancy and the infant death rate in the United States? How are these numbers similar to or different from Japan, another advanced democracy?
  What accounts for these similarities or differences?
  What will be an ideal response?
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6 years ago
(Ans. #1)

Answer: d

(Ans. #2)

Answer: b

(Ans. #3)

Answer: d

(Ans. #4)

An ideal response will:
1. Explain how proponents such as President Obama argued that health care reform was necessary to provide a more effective and efficient health care system. Many Americans lack health insurance. And for many, health care costs are too high.
2. Discuss how the law does not nationalize health care in the United States, nor does it offer a public option. Instead, the law requires that all Americans have health care insurance. Employers with 50 or more employees will be required to provide health insurance to their employees. Noncompliance will result in fines or tax penalties.
3. Indicate that the government created health exchanges that are designed to allow competition among insurers and offer more options at potentially lower prices to the public.
4. Indicate that Medicaid expanded under the law.
5. Indicate that dependent children under age 26 can remain on their parents' insurance policy.
6. Indicate that insurance companies are no longer be able to deny coverage for preexisting conditions.
7. Discuss how past presidents, including Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman, and Bill Clinton, attempted to provide national coverage but were unsuccessful.

(Ans. #5)

An ideal response will:
1. Explain that the United States spends 15.3 percent of its GDP on health care, 4 percent more than the next country, which is Switzerland at 11.3 percent. But even with this spending, the United States has the second-lowest life expectancy among advanced democracies discussed in the text, and the second-highest infant mortality rate.
2. Explain that the United States spends almost twice as much as Japan on health care, but U.S. life expectancy is 4 years shorter than Japan's, and the United States has over 2 times the infant mortality rate.
3. Discuss that many of the leading causes of death today are linked to heredity, personal habits, and lifestyles (smoking, eating, drinking, exercise, stress), and the physical environment. Doctors and hospitals have no direct control over such factors. Some therefore argue that changing personal habits and lifestyles, rather than increasing medical care, is the best way to promote health.
nickelgurl24 Author
6 years ago
Now I'm convinced to ask more questions Slight Smile
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