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pweller2017 pweller2017
Posts: 346
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6 years ago
What are the president's foreign policy powers? Who is the president's principal foreign policy adviser and why? What are Congress's foreign policy powers?
  Is the existing balance of power between Congress and the president along with his advisers appropriate, or would the United States be better off if one branch's powers were to increase and the other branch's powers decrease? Provide a justification for your answer.

Question -2-

What is diplomacy? Under what circumstances is the president's foreign policy most likely to rely on diplomacy? Under what circumstances is the president most likely to rely on military action instead of diplomacy?
  Give an example of when the United States has relied on diplomacy and when it has relied on military action. Given the uncertain state of the world because of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction, will U.S. foreign policy in the future be more likely to focus on diplomacy or military action?

Question -3-

Explain trends in diversity within the U.S. military. Which of the four armed services have seen the greatest gains in representation of women and minorities?
  Why have the U.S. military efforts to recruit more minorities and women been more successful with minorities than with women? Some have suggested that the role of women in the military should be expanded. How do they want to see the role of women expanded? Present the arguments for and against this suggestion.

Question -4-

The president has many executive branch advisers to assist with foreign and defense policy. To what extent is the president's foreign policy strength related to this large cadre of advisers?
  In what situations would the president be most likely to consult with each of the following: the vice president, the secretary of state, the secretary of defense, the secretary of homeland security, the director of National Intelligence, the National Security Council, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff?
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Answer verified by a subject expert
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6 years ago
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This verified answer contains over 1280 words.

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pweller2017 Author
6 years ago
Just confirmed the same answer from my friend, thanks
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