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rahulcena rahulcena
Posts: 364
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6 years ago
Which of the following best describes a principle of differentiated instruction?
  a. Learning objectives are individualized for each student.
  b. Learning activities are individualized for each student.
  c. Students are given individual assessments according to their level of ability.
  d. A blend of whole class, small group, and individualization is used.

Question 2...

Which of the following are ways in which teachers differentiate instruction?
  1. The content they teach
  2. The instructional methods they use
  3. The standards they follow
  4. The student products they use for assessment
   a. 1, 2, 3, 4 b. 1, 2, 3 c. 1, 2, 4 d. 2, 3, 4

Question 3...

Attempts to create learning environments in which individuals with a wide range of learning abilities and styles can succeed in the classroom are best described as:
  a. universal design.
  b. multiculturalism.
  c. direct instruction.
  d. classroom management.

Question 4...

The first step in inquiry is:
  a. defining the problem.
  b. forming hypothesis.
  c. gathering data.
  d. generalizing.

Question 5...

Of the following, which is the best assessment of Carol's lesson beginning?
  1. Carol Lopez, a fifth-grade teacher, wants her students to understand the concept adjective. She begins by displaying the following vignette on her document camera:
  John and Karen, with her brown hair blowing in the wind, drove together in his old car to the football game. They soon met their very best friends, Latoya and Michael, at the large gate near the entrance. The game was incredibly exciting, and because the team's running game was sparkling, the home team won by a bare margin.
  2. Carol has the students read the vignette and then says, What do you notice about the passage . . . . Bharat?
  3. John and Karen are nouns, Bharat responds.
  4. The students continue to make observations, in the process, identifying each of the nouns in the passage.
  5. Carol then asks, What do we know about Karen's hair?. . . Jesse?
  6. It's brown.
  7. And what kind of game did they attend?
  8. A football game, several students say together.
  9. Carol continues having the students describe the nouns, and she asks what the words have in common?
  10. They all describe nouns, Conchita notices.
  11. Then she says, Now let's take a closer look. . . . What's different about exciting and sparkling compared to others like brown and old?. . . Duk?
  12. They . . . don't come in front of the noun . . . like the others do?
  13. Very good, Duk. Yes, but they still describe the nouns. . . . Now, what is important about running and football?. . . Sharon?
  14. Running looks like a verb . . . and football looks like a noun.
  15. Yes they do . . . . but how do we know they're not verbs or nouns?. . . Lakesha?
  16. They describe nouns . . . like football describes game, and . . . running does too.
  17. Carol then says, We call all of these words adjectives, and they are parts of speech, just as nouns and verbs are . . . So, describe adjectives for us, . . . Leroy.
  18. . . . Adjectives are parts of speech that describe nouns, Leroy responds.
  19. Carol then has her students look at the words soon, very, and incredibly and explain why they aren't adjectives, and finally, she has them write a paragraph that includes three or more adjectives, with at least one coming after the noun.
  20. Carol collects the paragraphs and displays three of them on the document camera (with the names covered to avoid having the class know whose paragraphs are being analyzed), and discusses them the next day.
  a. It was effective because she began with her passage, which was an effective attention getter.
  b. It wasn't as effective as it could have been, because she didn't conduct a beginning review.
  c. It was effective, because understanding adjectives is an important learning goal.
  d. It was ineffective, because she should have introduced the lesson by putting her students into groups.
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