Couples were first encouraged to seek love matches in marriage
A in the early 19th century.
B in the early 20th century.
C in order to combat prostitution.
D as a way of controlling unruly youth.
Ques. 2The good old days as referred to by Coontz
A exist only in the imagination of people.
B refers to family life in the early 1900's.
C masked quiet desperation for many, resulting from violence, alcoholism, discrimination.
D can be restored by a more liberal tax code.
Ques. 3In the Victorian era
A. the nuclear family was the norm.
B most close relationships were same sex relationships.
C the father and mother were emotionally very close.
D homosexuality was a highly visible topic of conversation.
Ques. 4Before the turn of the century (1900), children
A replaced women in the work force.
B were badly treated by employers in mines and factories.
C of color were often indentured into slave-like conditions.
D all of the above.
Ques. 5Mothers have been found to be more highly involved with their children
A in colonial times as compared to now.
B in modern times, in spite of the fact that many work outside the home.
C if they are economically advantaged non-working mothers.
D in Sweden.
Ques. 6The families most able to guarantee its members from economic setbacks and social change
A those that are economically advantaged.
B those that have better educations and more social advantages.
C those who have few children and hold professional jobs.
D no family can guarantee its members protection from economic setbacks and social