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MEgsxoxo64 MEgsxoxo64
Posts: 317
Rep: 1 0
6 years ago
Which of the following statements by a teacher is most likely to cause primary grade children to become upset?
  a. After I explain these rules, I want you to follow them all the time.
  b. Let's go over the rules of this game one more time.
  c. Let's follow the same procedure we always follow.
  d. Since we don't have much time left, let's change the rule about waiting.

Ques. 2

What of the following is NOT the purpose of qualitative research?
  a. To identify emergence or recurrent patterns or themes.
  b. To provide an in-depth lived explanation of an event or phenomenon.
  c. To test for relationships between variables in a study.
  d. To build a theory inductively.

Ques. 3

An elementary-age child who seems to waste time in class rather than working to complete assignments should be
  a. ignored and allowed to suffer the consequences.
  b. provided with a tutor so that the child can catch up.
  c. admonished in front of the class for not keeping up with the assignments.
  d. praised or given a small reward whenever he or she does complete an assignment.

Ques. 4

The main advantage of historical research over phenomenology is that
  a. the former is better at probing beyond that is known about a phenomenon.
  b. the former is not affected by researcher's biases.
  c. the former is not affected by the researcher-subject interaction biases.
  d. the latter is better at identifying commonalities in the data gathered.

Ques. 5

A second grader is typically uncomfortable with
  a. rules that must be followed without exception.
  b. teachers who feel a need to repeat rules several times.
  c. changing rules as the need arises.
  d. having to follow the same rules all the time.

Ques. 6

What of the following is an important difference between historical research and phenomenology?
  a. One has roots in the humanities and the other in the social sciences.
  b. One collects information from people with first-hand experience or knowledge about a particular topic whereas the other does not.
  c. One uses content analysis while the other does not.
  d. One is better at explaining human behaviors while the other is better at explaining human attitudes.

Ques. 7

Third grade is a time when
  a. most children have not yet developed a high degree of motor control.
  b. children finally have the necessary stamina to get through a day of school with minimal rest periods.
  c. children's penmanship becomes more like adults'.
  d. children are likely to get hurt because they become overconfident in their physical skills.

Ques. 8

Which one of the following is not an example of qualitative research?
  a. Case Study
  b. Content Analysis
  c. Ethnographic Research
  d. Correlation Research
  e. Grounded Theory Research
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6 years ago
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